I always wanted to try a work at home job. Well I can say this is my first and last time.
It started out I was looking for a job and I was looking at my home page from my local internet company they have free classifieds. Well I filled out the online application, I received a call back right away. The lady was really nice. I asked her a bunch of questions, I was worried it would be "cold calling" but she told me it wasn't. So I decided to go through with it and I gave read her my account number off of my check. Well I received a bunch of e-mails from the company saying to check it out and read about it. We would have like a class over the phone where a whole bunch of people called in and listened.
So after that she told me that we would get a number that we would use when we would need to call out. This number would keep track of our calls etc. My job was to call people and sell them health, dental, vision, insurance and also vitamins. Well I waited for a few days and didn't hear anything so I kept e-mailing my manager. So finally about a week after so answered me back and said it would be any day well after about three days I finally received my number.
At that point I had to log on to the website fill out some information, and then I would get my leads. This would tell me people's names and numbers and medications they were taking and what the best time to call them was. So I began to call these people they had no clue what I was talking about. The ones who did said that it was at least a month or so before they had talked to someone else. So I e-mailed my manager and told her my problem. I told her the way the job was described to me did not even come close to what they had me doing. No reply from her.
So I was looking at our papers we got from the company and it said if you didn't check in with them (they gave you a number you had to call everyday to let them know how many calls you made and how many sales you had) and it said if you didn't check in four days straight you would be removed from the server. So I e-mailed my manager and asked her to remove me. I told her I wasn't doing this job anymore. So I thought big deal I wasn't even worried about the origional $19.95 and $18.95 per month or whatever it was something close to that.
A week ago I received a letter from my bank saying I was overdraft. I was like what? I never even use that account. So I called she told me what it was for. They had been taking out the fees for two months! Then I get my phone bill I have no long distance well what do you know there is long distance charges on there. They said by paying that fee every month took care of that well I guess not since it was on my phone bill. I was furious. I called the company 800 number had to leave a message could get anyone to call me back. I finally found my managers e-mail address. I e-mailed her several times before she e-mailed me back. She said she would inform someone of the problem. Well then I didn't hear anything. So I e-mailed her again and then she said did you send in your cancellation notice in writing to the company? That's where I am at right now.
This job was a total scam, it's nothing like how they describe it to you. Please be aware!
Hopewell, Pennsylvania
Company details:
N.H.C.D. - National Health Care Discount
6520 W. 110th St., Suite 202
Overland Park Kansas 66211
Phone Number: