I received a letter in the mail stating I had been selected to participate in a paid Consumer Research Program as a Mystery Shopper in retail stores, restaurants and various establishments making predetermined purchases. Enclosed was a list outlining what I should do with a $3980.00 Payroll check:
1. 3 hours probationary training pay @the rate of $100.00 per hour $300.00
2. Funds for shopping or Hotel Lodging $185.00
3. Service Chg. by Western Union/Moneygram $175.00
4. Funds to send to their training agent $3320.00
TOTAL $3980.00
(Sending the $3320.00 by Western Union/Moneygram is to train me in financial transactions). A payroll check with the name Austin Foam Plastics, Inc. for $3980.00 made payable to me was enclosed.