I was looking into obtaining a payday loan or short term loan to help start a new business and filled out numerous pay-day loan web-sites. These sites only operate to obtain your information and are not lenders. Look at the bottom of the web-site of all of these site...they will have to state whether they are a lender. If they are not an actual lender, DO NOT FILL OUT ANYTHING ON THEIR WEB-SITE.
I did and I was debited $99.95 out of my account. I did not agree to any charge. I did not receive any pay-day loan, nor any benefit.
From the other complaints I read regarding this web-site fraud, it does not appear National Platinum will not or does not refund this money.
I just got off the phone with my bank and reported this fraud and had to close my current checking account and open another. This was relatively easy and I obtained a fraudulent claim number.
Bottom line don't offer any information to these payday websites, they are not lenders, don't bother calling National Platinum Services or some other "service." Report the fraud to your bank and get your money back.
I like doing business on the internet and 99% of the time I get what I want. So, let's work together, report the fraud, and shut down these businesses. Without receiving our money fraudulently, they will be out of business.
Best Regards,
Dave Mills, Atlanta, GA