In January '11 discovered I had something on my credit by accident, cheking my credit score. West Bay Aquisitions/National Recovery Agency placed a negetive on my credit for an account I never had, and was never billed for, nor received any products.
I requested and inquiry for which I am told I will have to prove I didnt live at certain address at the time of the account or I will still have to pay for the account even if someone else opened it under my name. I did live at the address during the time of the acount, back in August '09. I lived there for one year but didnt purchase anything from them, and never recieved a bill during that year. Whats up with that? Now I have to prove its not my account?? I know times are tough ppl, but this is FRAUD!! I have talked to NRA and when I accused them of fraud the lady asked me if I had reported them to the police. lol. Not yet, but I plan to seek every avenue available to me.