We bought a pre-lit National Christmas Tree from a local business, "Tis the Season", in Nov. 2006. The first year the tree worked great, it was a good looking tree. Last year we put the tree up and plugged it in only to discover that over 1/2 of the lights didn't work. We called the local business and arranged to take it in for them to work on it. The claimed to repair it, and we put it up again. Still didn't work. We took it in 2 more times and the tree still didn't work. Finally we demanded the local business come to our house to fix the tree. The spent about 2 hours working on it, and got most of the lights working.
The next morning, over 1/2 of the lights wouldn't come on when we plugged it in. We called the local business and they said they would re-string the tree if we would bring it in Jan. 2008.
We took the tree in, and they went out of business with our tree! After 5 months, we finally got out tree back. They claimed they had re-strung the tree. We started putting up the tree and discovered that out of over 20 light strings, only one worked. I started trying to get it to work and found out that after 1 hour I had replaced over 20 burned out lights on one string!
This tree had been used less than 2 months, and most of the lights were already burned out.
I called National Tree and described my experience to them. They stated they would send out free lights so we could decorate for Christmas, then they would pick up the tree after Christmas and fix it.
One week later, no lights. I called them again and was advised that the tree was out of warranty, and the local dealer had voided the warranty by working on it. They weren't sending any lights out, but would be glad to sell me some lights.
I explained that the tree had failed while it was in warranty, and the local dealer had instructed me on what to do.
Bottom line, they don't tell you what warranty coverage is...they don't keep their promises.
It was apparent they are much more interested in dodging their warranty and breaking promises...they like to sell them, but this tree is a joke!
The lights have been on for less than two months, and most of them are already burned out! National Tree doesn't tell you what their warranty is...the only way you can find out is to go to their web site. By the time you research their warranty, it's too late.
I'm out over $500 and my new Christmas tree only lasted one season.
Don't buy your Christmas Tree from Nation Tree Company!