This company and it's band of criminals wants that I should come up with $2, 000.00 (Two thousand Dollars) by credit card authorization to have them do something which the "Obama administration" and the federal government says is free. They must think that because people want to keep there homes that they are crazy enough to fork over money they could give to their lender.
Why should someone who is behind or on the verge of being behind give money to a company that can not be found belonging to any organization or has any oversight entity on any type of background check???
These people should be found and hung for crimes on humanity. Taking advantage of people in uncertain times is not the way to build a business from what I was taught growing up, where does society find these people today???
From what I have been told it is illegal in some states to use credit card authorization methods for payment on mortgage loan modifications because it puts you further in debt, how is that for helping your planning.??? Go figure!