is a very poor site to buy products from. You may get a very good price but their return policies prevent you from returning any product even if defective. I bought a Navigon GPS that did not work properly. I tried to return it on the 15th day after the order, not when recieved. They refused to talk to me but would only give me the number of the manufacturer.
#2 incident I bought two SD cards. Come to find out there was only one rebate per family. I tried to return the second one and they refused to take it and would only refer me to the manufacturer. They expect you to click to a myrid of screens to find out that they take "no returns" even though they have in the past.
Don't buy at they are a rip off and could care less about the customer. I have probably spent in excess of $2000 with ecost and will never buy from them again. Pass the word.