NCO has been calling my home, that of other family members (via inlaws), pretending to be thier legal dept. Without benefit of a written letter of intent to sue, nor one served in person with a sheriff, they have been threatening by phone to sue my kids. My kids have made payments to them which they have records of, with Capitol One refusing payment. They illegally make illegal withdrawls from thier checking account without permission or consent, causing numerous other bills to bounce.
As a former collector who worked at an agency in St. Louis, we were never legally allowed to do any of those things. We could have been fired, sued, ect. This agency assumes they have the legal right to by pass federal laws that protect the privacy of the innocent to collect a debt. They have harrassed me, my family and I want it stopped. I am fully prepared to file legal complaints with the FCC, FTC, justice Dept, Police, and Dept of Civil Liberties as my rights were violated in thier obtaining my phone numbers illegaly and without my consent. It isn't my debt, I have told them the party they desire does not live with me, yet they continue to harrass me. Further if this continues I am also prepared to turn this over to the Huffington Post, as I have a friend who is one of thier top writers. I am sure the negative PR and connections linking them to congress and senate, with names listed, (that took money for thier campaigns), isn't something they want listed. But I am prepared to do so. The fact nothing has been done to go after this agency leads me to believe I am correct. Must I go over your heads to out these people? I don't think Obama wants this kind of bad PR. Not a threat fellas, I am going to make sure Huffpo does the mother of all exposees on this one. Either go after them or I am.