In regards to all of you have been a victim of both Wirefly, and their Protection Plan buddy, NOCA, here is my version of dealing with this situation, cause I personally gave up trying to deal with both companies on my own.
Yes, there is a way to get your money back, or course depending on each individual case, the amount may vary. I wonder though if you will have enough patience, and determination to go through the process of a Civil Suit. Yes, that seems to be the direction that this whole mess with NCOA/Wirefly is going. Who knows how long this could take considering that NCOA went bankrupt publicly Nov 2007.
Since then, they have a company who is trying (allegedly) to help them 'reconstruct' their company. HA! This is 2009, can't get any word, notice, paper, nothing, from either one!
Well, they cannot run away.
ME? I would like to go to this company myself! But realistically, not!
Regards, good luck, hope you hang in, the more the better we can do! Or maybe not, less money if they only have to pay a set amount for everyone. See what I mean?