Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada is non-profit organization designed to assist homeowners in despair. However, their authority to deal with lenders are limited and have very little negotiation techniques.
After making an appointment to see a counselor and produced all the documents needed, the counselor simply placed my documents (very personal information i.e. loan documents, income tax return, household members with SSN) in a folder. A week later, the counselor then called my lender to discuss my account, with me present on a three way phone line.
The lender simply informed the NHSSN counselor that they are not willing to negotiate, all in a 2-3 minute phone call.
NHSSN counselor said to me: "Theres nothing we can do, we can't help you, sorry." I was disappointed; I made the effort to gather the entire documents for a 3 minute phone call. Two weeks prior to this consultation, a lawyer has assured me that they can help me, but, the service fee is beyond my ability to afford.
When I asked for my documents back, the counselor offered me copies of them, but she had to keep my documents. I assumed they needed documentation to support their existence to receive continuous funding from the local government, never the less, I found their service useless.