This collection agency continues to call my home for an individual named Brenda. They began calling about a year and a half ago .They would call every day, several times a day and when I told them that they had the wrong telephone number, that no Brenda resides here and that I do not know a Brenda, the calls continued on a daily basis. At one point, after several months of dealing with this a man from the agency called and he was so obnoxious and rude, he wouldn't let me finish a sentence to even hear me saying that I was not her and he had the incorrect phone number. He upset me so much I lost me temper and began screaming at him so he would listen. I thought my screaming got through to him and he actually heard me say I wasn't her because the calls stopped abruptly. After speaking with him I was so annoyed with this problem that I wrote a complaint to the Better Business Bureau in MA and didn't receive a response. I didn't know (and still don't know)what else to do. That was several months ago last winter(in December). Now it is November, nearly a year later and the calls have begun again. As you can see by the info that I have provided my name is not Brenda, nor has it ever been Brenda! I cannot comprehend the ignorance of these individuals who persist in harrassing my family for no reason. What steps can I take to make them cease their calls?
Thank you.
Sincerely, Maria Kocon