I recently heard about a new monetary system designed by Dr Harvey Barnard in the 80s. The proposal now before Congress cuts long term loan money such as mortgages down by tens of thousands of dollars over the length of the mortgage. Reduces the IRS down to null points, and revolutionizes the tax system which abolishes all taxs on earnings by introducing a tax on consumpton. www.fartax.org. Read the REAL DEAL.
Nesara--National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act will revolutionize the wealth of most individuals on the planet, once it is implemented by congress. "When that will be who knows." Read more on www.nesara.org
There are many scoundrals hoping aboard the Nesara Band-wagon such as www.nesara.us These people have no scruples or decency as they seek to usurp revenue from individual pockets on the REAL NESARA proposal big time to front their illicite activities.
The head honcho of the illicit NESARA site goes by the name DOVE and is convincing with his speculative con.