I was looking on the net10 web site for a new phone the one i found states 300 min card and another 300 min upon activation when i went to purchase this item i decided to call and find out more by speaking to customer service. I was then told that the phone i was looking at for 39.99 they werent honoring the extra 300 min when it clearly state until march 31, 2011 this is what i call false advertisement. And i believe this is against the law. Now what about all the customers that didnt make the call and just ordered the phone online expecting to get 600 min. and onle recieved the 300 min card. That is false advertisement. I wanted that phone and believe you shoud stand by what you put on your online store. I hope to hear from you so you can do the right thing by me and your other customers. This i believe shoud be reported to the better business .
sincerly yours Cecelia Leser