There are (2) NCIC's in Longview, TX. The good one is on Tyler. The other one...ripoff! I used a payphone at the Flying J truck stop with my debit card. (Big mistake) I saw two $30 charges the next day! When I called and questioned it they said it was just a holding charge and that the correct amount would post in 3-7 business days. 2 days later I checked my acct and saw (2) $15 charges! Each call was 3mins tops. When I called to ask wtf they asked for my card #?! Are you kidding me. Yeah like I'm about to give them my card # again. I then called Chase to file a claim. Let's see what happens next.
Think I just got screwed; royally. The only reason I used the payphone in the first place is because Sprint/Nextel doesn't work in Wyoming. Spring/Nextel is not how business is done! Hello Verizon.