I began the modification process with them last June. In June I paid them what I was told was the total fee $1299.00 the contract makes no mention of any other fees besides what I had already paid.
Last Friday they tapped my account for an additional $1, 000.00 because they had kept my payment information on file. Even though, the only signed authorization they had from me was for the $1299.00
The bank is refusing to back me on this because they said services were rendered - I got my modification. Even though nothing in the contract states there was an additional $1, 000.00 fee. So they could essentially hit my account next month for more money and because I got my modification the bank will back them on it.
I was never made aware of, nothing in my paperwork shows it, nor did I ever give them permission to charge my account again for $1, 000.00
This company took nearly 6 months and are taking credit for a modification that they got canceled initially. Apparently it's totally cool to decide to charge more money and use credit card information on file to do so without the owner's authorization.