From I just bought a new Toshiba Satellite L645-S4104 and the sound awful! It's too low and very tinny. I reloaded the sound driver and the sound is still miserably bad.
I have it side by side with my other laptop, a Satellite M305d-s4830(which is basically the same laptop), and the sound on that one is 1000 times better.
It looks like the problem with the L645-S4104 is that Toshiba added bigger hinges for the LCD and had to use extremely tiny speakers -- that's why the sound is terrible.
I've had four Toshiba Satellites and trusted the product enough to make this puchase through the mail. But this sound system is clearly the result of a poor design. Now it appears I am stuck with it because Newegg will not issue a refund.
Does anyone know how I can get a refund on this laptop?