Hello there
1st thing i like to thank you for such place where i can put my complaining about online scums
Here is what happened:
1 - i received email from [email protected] Advertising for a website www.newfashion-digitals.com witch sells Digitalis.
2 - I went into the web site and took a look on the items i liked one of there laptops there it's price was 285 EUR.
3- I wanted to order it but there was no payment methods like MasterCard or PayPal i just have to sumbit the order there including my email.
4- i got another mail confirming my order and asking me to pay the money Through western union or bank transfer
5- i talked to them on the MSN Massnger [email protected]
I asked about alot of things about the product witch was (Gateway P-6831 FX Laptop 3GHz X9000 Extreme).
6- I wasn't fully trusting this website so i asked for some way to trust them they sent me a photo looks like a permission of starting their company Look at the photo in the Attchments but it was all in chines i couldn't read a word they also sent me some DHL Tracking numbers to some of their customers i tried them and they worked.
7- i trusted them and i went to www.Xoom.com to transfer the money to there bank account fortunately i didn't know my master card was set for only 2000 Egy pound witch is about 350$ usd and that wasn't enough so i tried to send money and i got an error so i tried to send less amount o money witch is 100 usd and it worked without confirmation the money was sent so i talked to the company they said they will keep them for me till is end the rest of money for the laptop.
8- They started ignoring me later so i was worried and i thought how can i know if this company isn't fake i searched the internet no sign or anything about it so i thought i should call DHL they might help me then i called them and gave them the tracking numbers i had from the company they said this items all are wedding stuff and this site was only selling Digitalis.
9- once i knew that i know it was a scum and i m trying to cancel the money transfer but Xoom said that it may not be able to do that.
I don no what to do i wanted to complain and tell people not to trust them and i found your website i hop you don't do my mistake.