I checked my bill and found the $9.99 “Premium TXT Messaging” from NextWeb Media aka Predicto aka Predicto Mobile aka Residential Email, aka other unauthorized cell phone billing scams.
I did some googling and found a lot of information. Looks like NextWeb Media CEO and President have already a long experience practicing this kind of scams.
From another complaint on this site, NextWeb Media CEO and President got sued at least in 3 states – Florida, Washington, Georgia- see these links:
See Washington State Office settlement agreement (EDN)
See Georgia Settlements (EDN)
See Georgia Subscriber Refunds
http://www.georgia.gov/00/article/0, 2086, 5426814_5684686_80061913, 00.html
See state State of Florida complaint:
They look like some bank robbers from the beginning of the last century when bank robbers used cars and police still used horses.
I also read the new class action document against NextWeb Media/Predicto at http://www.courthousenews.com/2009/09/18/Alltel2.pdf
Those guys were just billing you because you bought a new cell phone with a phone number that previously belonged to an other subscriber. Just incredible.
BTW, I filed a complaint at the FTC (http://www.ftc.gov/) and the other one at the FBI cyber-crime website at https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx
I am going to talk to my cell phone company tomorrow.
Thanks a lot for all the information posted and good luck.