I was planning to work for this company from home and decided to take their discounted healthcare plan, because it sounded like a good deal and I was going to be promoting it.
While I was in the first days of training I learned that the company had fraudulent practices when someone directed me to ripoff.com. I then decided it wasn't in my best interest to be associated with the company and started the process to cancel the service and have my money refunded for marketing materials I had purchased.
I was able to get a refund on the marketing materials, but I have yet get the service cancelled and a total of $108 refunded to me. When you try to contact their "so called" customer service department, either the number is invalid or you leave a message and no one ever returns your call. I did actually get a live person on the phone once, but they said they weren't customer service and could not provide me with a valid customer service number. I didn't think it would be a problem getting the charges for the discounted health plan refunded, because I used a credit card; however, Citibank has been of no help with the charges related to the plan. I have been dealing with this since 8/1/08, and now Citibank says NHCD has failed to accept my cancellation request so they can't refund the charges. That doesn't even make sense that NHCD, or any other company for that matter, could hold a customer hostage. I don't understand how they have gotten away with this for so long.
One of the complaints I read on ripoff.com about them is that a young lady said they had been charging her dead grand-father's bank account for years, and her family couldn't get them to stop. Initially I thought that was kind of far fetched, but now I believe it.
I worked in the credit card processing industry for years setting up merchants to accept credit cards, and it amazes me that a company like this would still be allowed to even accept credit cards. My understanding was that if a company incurrs too many chargebacks, at some point they will be banned from accepting credit cards. How this company has been able to continue accepting credit cards with their reputation is beyond me.
On Monday I plan to contact the attorney general in KS, where the company is headquartered, and report them. I also plan to report them to Mastercard, and inquire as to why they have still been allowed to accept credit cards. This is not over.