CONSUMERS BE WARE! I went on craigslist to purchase a last minute plane ticket for a lower cost and came across this lying Con WOMAN named Nicole Bay so she says her name is. She stated that her mother Carlotta Jacobson died, and has some Delta Air miles left about 12, 000 miles that was good enough for a one way ticket. She wanted $60.00 for them. Hell I thought that was reasonable, you can't be that RIGHT? WRONG! she then tried to sell me continental flight airmiles, Hilton room points and rental car points. I told her no thanks to the others but I will take the Delta Mileage. I said ok do you take paypal? she said I don't have a paypal account and my bank is Lockheed Martin and they dont allow electronic payments (LIAR That is total BS). However she said my sister Audrey Garcia, has a Bank of America Bank account you can put it in there. I said ok, hell its only $60.00 bucks.
HER EMAIL ADDRESS IS [email protected] and phone number is 909-222-7893 located in FONTANA, SUN CITY AREA.
I went and deposited the funds. I came home and attempted to use the bogus mileage that would get me one way ticket. IT DID NOT WORK! I called Delta, and they said there was not even enough on there for a one way ticket, I ticket paid for by miles has to be equivelant to at least 25, 000 miles, whether its one way or two way. I told them fine ok so let me use whats in the account for partial payment they SAID NO WAY ITS ONE OR THE EITHER you can't combine them. I called back the Liar Nicole Bay and told her the scenerio she said NO NO, I JUST SOLD 186, 000 MILES TO SOMEONE ELSE AND they were able to do it and I just sold 86, 000 miles to someone else and they did it. I will email them and find out how they did it and get back to you.
I waited 2 days no response from the liar, I emailed her and said hey just give me back my money I gotta find a ticket. SHE NEVER RESPONDED! I WENT TO PAYPAL AND SENT HER AN INVOICE, AND SAW WHERE THE EMAIL address she said did not have paypal is a Premier paypal MEMBER! I SENT her an invoice for $60.00 no response! I called no one answered the phone! I kept calling and emailing no response.
I finally blocked my number and called and she picked up the phone and was shocked when it was me and said oh I emailed you back! I said I GOT NOTHING FROM YOU, I said I need my money back. She said I will have it to you by day's end. Guess what NO MONEY. I AM NOW GOING TO FILE A REPORT WITH the police in my town and one with her town. Grant it only $60.00 but its the prinicipal that she is BOLD FACE LIAR CON MAN AND THIEF. WHEN I SPOKE TO THE BANK, THEY STATED SHE PROBABLY DID THIS WITH 10 OTHER PEOPLE ITS a SCAM!! BEWARE OF NICOLE BAY! AUDREY GARCIA AND CARLOTTA JACOBSON, AND FAKE AIRLINE MILES, AS WELL AS CAR AND HOTEL POINTS, THEY ARE THIEVES. I WILL POST THIS AGAIN ELSE WHERE. THEY ARE OUT OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA. STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!