I am on medicare/medcaid, and as most people know we lost all our dental As most know we lost our dental
I have been without my lower dentures since last June. This has restircted. me to soft foods. now my uppers
aren't fitting right either. the, dentist don't seem to have any concerns about us out here that can't get any help.Even my long time dentist, I guess they're all in it for the money now!!! I donnnnnn't make enough to save any money, I just barely get by, Now we'ernot even getting our cost of living increase this year or next either!!!I don't know how i'll make it!! I don't know where to go to sign up for a xmas basket as we have only lived here a few months. we don't have much money for xmas gifts. thats pretty deppresing. well I've rambled on beound my my topick of dentist being out of reach for people like me with disabilities on medicare/medicaid.
Thanks for your time, anyone witth any sugestions on dentist or xmas baskets, Iwould greatly apreciateite. I live in the st louis area, maplewood actualy. It's me and my 80 year old mom neithler of us are in good ;heath. we need to move out of the house we're in because we'rein because GEorge {who moved in wit;h us, it's a long story}is'nt paying his share. we're going to end up getting kicked out of here I'm sorry there I go
rammbling again. If someone out there knows someone that can help us, please please help!!!