This school is a SCAM!!! It is taught in the reception area of a dental office. They offer a certificate course for an entry level dental assisting job. You ARE NOT certified in any way. You pay them $2600.00. The jobs they help get you are internships which means you DO NOT get paid. They advertise that you will learn by text, video, lecture, demonstration and practice 'hands on' in a simulated work environment. My class was supposed to be a total of 91 hrs we were luck if we got 80. They state that they have an extensive library of training videos and Caroms we saw 1 video. The CD rom comes in the Dental Assisting book that you can purchase pretty much in any bookstore.
The training in the morning is basically just book work. Our lesson consisted of reading a couple of chapters each week, and doing the questions at the end of the chapters we would then going around in a circle the following week to get the correct answers. The afternoon sessions were supposed to be a hands on follow up to what we learned in the morning, most of the time, the instructors weren't even on the same chapter OR page.
The owner of the school is a retired dentist that was selling his office at the time to another dentist. The incoming dentist would leave nasty notes, and 'booby trap' the operatories so that we couldn't practice in them. We even had to buy the toilet paper that we used each week. The director paid for it, then would hide it in a file cabinet till the next session. Bizarre!!!We were in the operatories a total of 3 times. Not each week as advertised.
They claim to have life like mannequins that the class will also practice on. Our class saw a set of plastic teeth! We weren't even taught how to sit properly in a dental assistants chair. Everything you learned, was pretty much from reading the book. The tests, we all passed due to the fact that the instructor tells you where the questions would be taken from in the workbook. This of course makes it seem as if everyone is learning something. Anyone would pass if you are given the answers.
The afternoon class was basically learning about the personal lives of the instructors, and various instruments that the instructors would bring in each week and pass around the class. Don’t dare make a complaint or mention that you needed to go back over something, we were ridiculed for that. After awhile, we pretty much gave up. They would break us into groups for the 3 times we were in the operatories, and you didn't always learn what the other group was doing we were supposed to switch at one point, but that never happened. 10 out of the 12 students, myself included have gotten so discouraged with finding a position, that we have either given up on a dental career or have had to pay tuition for a better school in order to get what we should have at this one.
Don't be fooled, most of us did check out this school prior to enrolling and funny as it may be, each time one of us went to look at it, the classes were in the operatories hind site tells me now that it was all staged. We have filed complaints with the director, the BBB, the NJ Dental Board, The NJ dept of labor anyone we could. So far the response from the school is that the students making the complaints have had either personal or financial issues. In short, this school is the biggest scam going!!!
PLEASE DO NOT make the same mistake we did. If I new then what I know now, there is NO WAY I would have thought twice about attending. Most people do not have an extra $2600 laying around to throw away.
One other thing to know is that they offer an X-ray class from what I understand, it is run pretty much the same way. MOST dentists require you to have an X-ray license before they will hire you this school will tell you that isn't so.