This online retailer took my order and money on the 23rd March. This was a total of £380 for a kitchen sink. No goods showed up and they wouldn't answer any emails. After 3 weeks I passed my complaint to Trading Standards. Trading Standards contacted them and were told that they were closing down. They will not return my money and don't care about what they have done.
Emma Compton seems to be the owner, [email protected] and she just wants to tell me how badly she has been hit by the slow down in the economy. She must have known her business was in trouble when she took my money. I consider this to be fraud and pretty close to theft.
Her website is still online and taking orders, she even looks after customer forums still - however posting a complaint in the forums is a waste of time as she just removes them.
I can only hope that the law catches up with her and that my loss will be the last loss that this website causes.