March 9, 2007
Pathetic service, faulty handsets!
I am one of the frustrated customer of Nokia India and fighting for their third class services to India customers. I have collected some information which will be useful to any customer before taking any decision on purchase of Mobile phone. Nokia India: pathetic apathy for the Indian customer. Nokia is selling some of its degraded products that have software problems. If customer come across such problem in a new set, they waste lot of time in running around service centers as it does not help much, they company informs for replacement set after repeated follow up only.
This promise is never fulfilled, if it is fulfilled the customer gets either a secondhand phone or a hand set which is even worse than the defective hand set. After some time the same problems occurs in supplied set also and customer runs around Nokia Service Center again and again.
Problems with Substandard Nokia Handset.
The phone works well after initial period of purchase, the problem starts after few days, near the end or after the end of guarantee period. Following are the general problems observed.
• Some of the hand set has software problems which work well during initial period, but after some time problem starts and finally it crashes which requires replacement of hand set. Replaced hand set also gives same experience.
• In some of cases after 5-6 days of purchase, at the end of guarantee expiry or with in one month after expiry of guarantee period the phone started giving a minor problem of restarting / rebooting and crashes at the end.
• The phone switches-off on its own a few times in spite of having network
• Poor battery performance, needing recharging every 3-4 hrs this is not helping even after replacement with new battery
• Nokia mobile generate temperature, if the conversation goes more then 15 Minutes.
• It switches off suddenly while you are sending or replying SMS. So have to keep watch after sending or replying SMS if it is working or not or else you will end up having a switched off phone in your pocket ensuring you miss important calls.
• Nokia care attribute some of the problem due to faulty IEC, but the problem still persists in spite of replacement of IEC,
• Bad network transmission, automatic switching-off of the phone & headset clarity problem.
• Display panel light not glowing; display is there but no light due to starting of sudden vibration. Vibration stops only after removal of battery. But when battery is fixed back vibrations starts immediately.
Faulty handsets in Indian Market:
Nokia 6255 CDMA.
The Nokia 6255 is technically faulty phone as it gets hanged, switch off, asks for transfer of data with out using phone, and gets disconnected several times. The replacement phone also gives the same problem.
Once this phone goes dead, you will not be able to do anything, as with CDMA technology, you don’t have SIM cards, which you can put in another phone, and keep your work going. The phone dead means you are out of communication.
Phones where problem observed are 1101, 1112, 1120, 1600, 2112, 2300, 2600, 2865, 3105, 3100, 3120, 3155CDMA, 3220, 3230, 3250, 6030, 6125, 6131, 6233, 6225CDMA, 6260, 6265, 6255 CDMA 6270, 6280, 6600, 6630, 6670, 6708, 7610, 668 i, N70, N80, N93, E50
If a phone starts giving problem, Indian customer falls into trap of Nokia Service never ending circle. In most of the cases matter never reported to concerned authorities due to lack of time on such matters.
Local Nokia Service Center making fool of Indian Customer:
If you visit to local Nokia Care center you will be surprised to find a majority of customers fighting for their instruments, this includes some who are waiting for more than three months and some who have got the mobile repaired but the problem was repeatedly recurring.
Customer care division is worst they are not ready to even listen properly/give response to their customers. They cheats customer by saying that their network is not working come next day, tomorrow, day after tomorrow so on. In case of follow up they will say that your phone has come back with out repair and reasons for same are not known to them. They make customer to come time again and again.
If user can gives mobile into service center he has to forget about mobile because he can't get his mobile back with in a month means he has to take a new mobile. He gets the mobile repaired luckily after 2-3 months and if a mobile replacement is given it gives same experience, it's a general experience at Nokia care center, It seems that they does like that because they want to show minimum complaints, they will give bad service no one will go to care center and they will get the official record of very few complaints.
If you see at Nokia Care center you will see that there are so many complaints about handset and Nokia care center gives same experience (Bad & Frustrating) to every one. The Nokia care people if returns handset, even after repairing, it does not work. Some time they handled the phone for repair so carelessly that one just can’t use it. Some time when replacement is given, you will find visible scratch marks and the replacement hand set is also not starting at all. It is also seen that the product gives same experience even after replacing handset 4-5 times.
Some time excuse is taken that the model has to be changed but new module is not available as soon as they receive it will be replaced with a new model returned. But this rarely happens. Local Nokia Care people always blame delay on Nokia state service center for all delay but real picture no one knows.
One has to spend lot of time on getting heard for their complain but later customer realizes that coming to local Nokia care center is wastage of time with out end result.
Nokia Care Center office in Bangalore:
All customers complain are handled by Nokia Care center at Bangalore. There is no alternate address provided in case customer wants to refer their problem to them. Nokia Care, Bangalore never solves the problem & always gives the standard reply “we will to revert back in 48 hours with Solution” but no reply is given after 48 hrs.
They are not at all concerned about the Consumer. Time taken for any repair is so long as if customer has committed a CRIME by buying their product.
If you try to send the email to Nokia Care, you get the following reply from Nokia Servers.
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: subject.
Sent: 11/21/2006 3:59 AM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
Services Support (RES/Gurgaon) on 11/21/2006 3:59 AM
The message could not be delivered because the recipient's mailbox is full.
<ndebe102.NOE.Nokia.com #5.2.2>
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: subject.
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
Services Support (RES/Gurgaon) on 11/24/2006 11:21 PM
The message could not be delivered because the recipient's mailbox is full.
<ndebe102.NOE.Nokia.com #5.2.2>
But in actual this does not happen, they get access to the mail and reply is given as per their convenience. The telephone numbers provided on the job sheet are more or less of no use as you have to wait for long time to get connected to the service person, other lines usually remains busy or if the number rings nobody picks up the phone. Nokia Care will make calls if they see that matter is getting worse. They will ask for information again and again for which information is already provided to them. The customer gives the information but no time frame is given for action. Again you will find that in next call there is different person asking for same information but silent on status of repair.
If you are able to send direct communication to Nokia Head Offices or Nokia Head Office Finland, the Nokia care center (Bangalore) executive will inform the customer that sending mail to their head office will not give any results as this will be forwarded to them by their Head Office. Similarly there will be no communication from Nokia Head Office in this matter. It is general experience the customer has to spent large of amount in making long calls for getting status of repair.
Performance of replaced handset:
In some cases Nokia replaced handset more than 4 times!! But in all handset again all issues like - blank display, phones hangs, auto switch off etc surfaced. The customer at the end forgets this matter due to lack of time on such matter and switches to phones supplied by other vendors where he gets good product and services.
Overall standard of services to Indian customers
Following is the feedback of various Nokia Customer having a defective handset. This includes advocate of Supreme Court, doctors, Engineers, Business man etc.
• They never adhered to any Commitment & have no coordination at all.
• Their Servicing is of Utmost low Grade. Change Nokia caption “Connecting people” to “Hating people”
• I didn't seen such extremely bad & frustrating service, which Nokia Customer people are giving to There customer. I warn prospective buyers to be careful.
• I was out of communication for 1 month and my patients suffered a lot, because when Nokia service center took my phone for replacement, my CDMA service was also discontinued as I could not transfer my number to another phone.
• I am sorry to say but ever since I purchased the handset, my life has become so very troublesome. Leave alone the amount I spent for the handset, I have incurred quite some cost, just in the process of getting it repaired time & again & the inconvenience that I have faced during the process is better if left undiscussed or unsaid.
• I have to pay for a rotten product, pay for downloading data from the rotten product and wait for over 20 days to get repairs. I do not know weather the repairs shall be worthwhile as the number of complaints at Nokia Service Center are just Hundreds per day.
• Don’t take NOKIA mobile because NOKIA didn't have ability to provide good service to their customer.
• Please do not buy Rotten Nokia Products; it’s a pathetic apathy for the purchaser.
• With this kind of experience with Nokia product & customer care executives has left me highly disappointed but all this disappointment coming from a brand like Nokia is a shame.
• I had similar experience with Nokia service and now I have decided that I will never buy a Nokia phone. The service is so hopeless that you feel ashamed of yourself that why you brought this phone. Absolute waste of time, money and peace of mind if you happen to use Nokia service.
• Nokia handsets are good, only if there is no problem, otherwise owing a NOKIA handset a big headache!! Now I have bought another handset.
Question to be answered by Nokia India: