I purchased Nokia Make Handset Model N-72 Sr No.356295014285452 from M/s Air Connet, Sector-14 Market, GURGAON-122 001 (hARYANA) vide Invoice No.3260 Dated 5.8.2007 of Rs.9700.00 After use of 2-3 days I observed that Noise Clarity is not good & Process is very slow. When I used the cable with PC that time No response to Mobile & next day hang problem observed. I contacted Delhi Customer Care - they replied " Out the Battery from Mobile & wait for few minutes than ON the Mobile- No effect - Out the battery & again insert the same in Mobile" But I observed after 2-3 minute again same Condition in this condition it became a problem for me to use the Set. I conveyed the message to Dealer also.
On 11th August,2007 I visited Dealer M/s Air Connect,Sector-14 Market-Gurgaon(Haryana) & explain the all complaints in detail. First of all they are not accepting the problem & told you go directly to Nokia Care Center or we will send the same to Center for Repair. But I requested him to replace the Handset as this is only 72 Hours Old & they informed they have no such policy from Nokia. You go any where after Open the Pkt/leaving our Show Room we have no Guarantee/Warranty only NOKIA will take care.
After several requests they received the Handset & kept with him for repair. Now the Set is lying with Dealer Show Room.
I have lost my faith in Nokia & never recommend any one to Purchase this WORST QUALITY PRODUCT for their use in future as they are not customer oriented & No Policy to give the Value of Customer Hard Earned Amount.
In our opinion -
1. There is no Quality System in Nokia & all products are coming in market without any check at their end.
2. They are not giving the full value of customer money because of inferior quality product.
3. Dealers are not well aware regarding Nokia Policy they have only standard answers.
4. Nokia & Dealers are making Profit but no care of Hard Earned Amount of Customers.
Very poor service!