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Nokia Reviews

June 4, 2007
Poor quality of Nokia products
I bought new N73 music edition mobile on 24th March. In 3 days I found that I was not able to call using the handsfree provided with it. As suggested I visited Nokia care center in Koramangla, Bangalore. They told that handsfree is defective and will be replaced with new one. Replacement will take 1 month. After one month I collected the handsfree but found that problem was still there. Then they checked the phone and told to visit Nokia care level 3 center in SV plaza. I went there and submitted the handset for 3 days. They did not provide any stand by handset so I had to buy new one. After 3 days they called me and told handset was ready. When I went to collect it and checked it was not working. Those are really stupid guys. Just update the software and calls customers that problem is fixed. Then again they told to wait for 2 more days. After two days they told that motherboard of phone is defective and will be replaced in 15 working days. Now when I call no one picks the phone itself. This is the quality and service of nokia.

I advise to avoid high end nokia phones. low end phones may be good and at least you will not feel that big money is wasted. The reason I think of poor quality is because of competition they are not focusing on testing the products.
May 30, 2007
Very poor after sales service!
Nokia 6280 handset just bought 4 months back is now down and not working . Its gets hanged during an outgoing call and incoming . Poor battery performance.

Nokia priority dealers are the worst dealers I have ever encountered with. They don't even bother to update us on the progress of service. Most of the times rude and does not attend the calls . especially the one in Banjara Hills . Really had tough time with these guys.

Nokia is one of the best , realizable products , but constantly loosing all their credibility.

I really doubt the originality of the products been sold through Nokia Priority. They need to be validated.
May 28, 2007
Nokia is too big to care about customers
After using Nokia handsets for the last 14 years I recently upgraded my 6310 to the new N70 after an unfortunate incident with my old handset and the washing machine. I purchased the new handset under a 2 year plan and I am currently paying off 2 handsets.

4-5 Months into the new contract my N70 stops charging. I decide that there must be a problem with the charger and purchase a new one. Luckily before leaving the shop, I ask the attendant to check to see if it works on the phone. It didn’t work and the attendant proceeds to try numerous charges, none that work.

I rang the shop where I purchased the handset, and they advise me the phone is under warranty. They advise to either return to them or direct to Nokia. I made the journey to the Melbourne central business district filled in the forms, and the phone was returned for repair to Nokia.

2 weeks later I receive a call from the phone shop, saying my phone has been returned from repair. I take more time off work to gratefully receive my phone. When I present the docket, guy comes back and advised me that due to water ingress Nokia refuse to repair the handset. Not satisfied, as after the last phone I have been careful not to get the unit wet.

I discuss the situation with the shop attendant. I am thinking that there has been a miscommunication somewhere as the phone is working fine, just not charging. He tries a couple of charger units and then I notice he uses the same handset. I have 2 flat batteries, he kindly tries his own battery in the phone and no problem phone works. To keep me on line he lets me keep his battery, and gives me the number of the Nokia care centre. (2 days wok lost to date)

I ring the care centre, they assure me that a technician has looked at the unit, and in fact it has been damaged by water and the phone will not be repaired. If I like to return to the care centre they will open the phone in front of me to show me the water damage. (This of course would be 3 days lost) I argue that if the phone had been affected by water surely that the whole unit would not work, not just the charge.

Well trained the operator assures me that not only had the phone been damaged by water, but it was only a matter of time that the rest of the wiring will decline and they will not even repair the unit even if I pay for the repair.

Still not happy they supply me with another number of complaints, unfortunately sir you are a good customer but Nokia policy Blah Blah blah. At this stage I start using my wife’s Samsung phone. Difficult as I am used to the Nokia software but I get used too it.

Couple months latter I have some time off. A friend comes round and I notice he has the same handset. ‘No complaints’ I ask to try his battery, and my phone springs to life, no problem. Still not happy with my previous attempts and with some time on my hands, I search a couple of forum problems to see if anyone else is having similar problems. OHHH look, numerous people around the world are having problems with both the chargers and the handsets. Many unhappy Nokia customers. So I call the care centre. Discuss the problem. No we are unaware of any inherent problems with the handset. So I ask to make an appointment to come to the city so they can open the phone and show me the water damage.

Yes sir. First you have to come to the city with the handset and make an appointment. (Now this is a 2 hour journey both ways) then you can return a week later and we will open the handset and show you the problem. After much discussion with the operator on my value as a customer, the waste of time and money making the 2 trips, offer to pay for the repair, sorry we will not attempt to repair even at your cost. Finally an option. Post the handset to us and then in 5 weeks return to the city and view the water damage. All not acceptable.

I offer to take it to another repairer and if he finds no water damage they could then cover the cost of the repair. No an unauthorized dealer will void any warranty/ responsibility if he opens the phone.

So still not happy I make a complaint to the Nokia website. I attach over 10 complaints from web forums with people experiencing similar problems with the same hand sets. After all it tells me they care about their customers; let us know your problems.

A few days later I received a reply from Nokia, see attachedDear Mr. Barrett,

Thank you for emailing Nokia Careline.

I thank you for your feedback and please be assured that there isn't any inherent issues with the Nokia 70.

Please be assured that Nokia is continually looking at ways of improving to provide you with better products and services. I assure you that each of Nokia customers are valued and Nokia does not treat your concerns lightly.

Your comments and feedback has been forwarded to the relevant department for future consideration.

You may like to visit our website at for more information and support for your Nokia device. If you have further enquiries, please write to us again or contact Nokia Careline at 1300 366 733. We operate between the hours of 8am and 8pm EST, seven days a week.

Please help us improve our service by completing the Nokia E-mail Satisfaction Survey at the following link:

Kind regards,

Pat Selvaraj
Nokia Careline

Do you know you can now update your phone software at your own convenience? Visit to check if your phone model is supported and download the "Nokia Software Updater".

‘No inherent problems’ Still not happy I have filled in there customer Survey and asked them if they have assured the other 15 people of which I attached complaints that they also are imagining the problems with their handset’s.

Anyway keep it up, I certainly intend to. Nokia have got away for too long relying on peoples dependence on keeping the same brand phone, as they are used to its operation. Well I assure you after switching to my wife’s Samsung phone there are much better products on the market. Ditch your Nokia and buy a phone from a reputable company that knows how to keep a loyal customer happy, water ingress or not. It is not worth the stress dealing with a company with so little regard for its loyal customers.

I am currently collating similar complaints that I am finding online and sending them to Nokia, please post your comments and complaints. It is a great way to let these companies know that we are not alone, not without a choice, and not a pre written standard response, but in fact are customers
Kind regards

Samsung handset user.
May 16, 2007
Avoid buying Nokia
We have received many complaints against NOKIA. They sell defective handsets under guise of new box packed handsets. Soon after the sale when the defect is discovered, the consumer is never given replacement, but he has to make rounds of service center to get the NEW DEFECTIVE set repaired. Many times even the service centers fail to repair the defects.

If you want peace of mind... Do not buy NOKIA. NOKIA never responds to our notices and correspondences, showing their attitude.
May 11, 2007
Very poor customer care
Nokia had minted money. They keep introducing new models so that they can keep on cheating people.I have an old model 6385. I had some minor problems.I was asked to go to the service centre. There I had to wait for a long time. Finally two ladies smiled beautifully to tell me that the my model is outdated and the spare part is not available. The way they told that the model is an old model can make you shrink to the size of anant. I had bought this model just in 2003 for Rs.7500 and I would like to use it for a long time. They should bring instruments in which new services can be added. Nokia will not do it because their profit will not improve.
May 10, 2007
Defective bluetooth handfree
A copy of email to Nokia:

I will get your email address, from one of my reference. Sir/madam I facing one problem from last 2 month, that I purchase one bluetooth handfree from nokia agency on 10/feb/2007 on the cost of 2048/-Rs. and its get dead by manufacturing defects on 07/mar/2007 the item that I purchase is on under warranty, and I give him to service center but after 2 months period, I am not get my bluetooth handfree back from service center and when I ask about my item the service center person are giving me abuse and making illegal behavior. Now you can tell me in this position what can I do. I go to consumer forum but that consumer form person tell me that after your complaint there is response will come from big MNC that they says to me that you are wasting your affords and time. From trying all I get your email id for 1 hope please do something if possible coz I am so tired by running from last 2 months.

And one more thing that when I use that Nokia bluetooth handfree I face some hearing problem I lose my hearing sensitivity in my left ear due to that handfree I lose near about 70% hearing lose in my left ear. It’s happening some manufacturing defect for these entire things the nokia person is not providing my item. And I have my medical proof of my problem if you say to me I can give you all the scan copy of prescription and diagnosis report.

Note: In nokia care service center ( Sapna Enterprises Jabalpur ) my job sheet no. is 8917 and chalan no. 514. THANKS

Your Sincerely,
Aditya Saraf
April 30, 2007
Poor Nokia 9500 cover replacement
In the month of January 07 i was made to change the cover of my nokia 9500. I sent the mobile to the store i purchased it from because they are nokia dealers. They demanded a sum of rs 3100 = $ 70 to replace the cover which i agreed because of my mistake in dropping the phone on the floor. I have since regretted why i did not go in for a new nokia instead of replacing the cover.My misgivings start from the very next day because the cover was not locking and would open with the slightest of movement of mt hand. I I complained to the nokia dealer and got a reply to send bach the instrument so that they can tighten the locking mechanism. Since then i have been facing the same problem but was unable to understand why did the nokia service centre do such a bad job. Now my problems do not end there as the cover has cracked once again at the spot where the locking device locks. I am sure that this time the fault is entirely the nokia service centre "s fault as the problem has never been solved by them. I sent back the 9500 to the same centre today but they have washed their hands off their responsibility by telling me that there is no guarantee for the covers and i have to pay $ 70 once again. May i ask if this is fair for a die hard user of nokia communicator instruments for the last 10 years.
March 24, 2007
Poor Customer Services
I have submitted my nokia handset N80 to care center because of display problem (Under Warrenty) on 17.Feb.06 but I am still not able to get my handset back. I registerd a complaint to careline on 09.Mar.07 and still awaiting their feedback on my complaint. Whenever I call careline, the only answer I get is please call back after 48 Hrs. I wrote mails to their customer support dept. but only to find false commitments. If the set is not repairable please replace it. Does it really take so long to sort out a problem? I have paid hefty amount to purchase the set only to call up care center and careline. Nobody is bothered about the customer. This is for the 4th time that this set has gone to service center. My 2 months warrenty on the set is already lapesd in the service center. Do nokia extend the warrenty. If not then why the set is not serviced fast.
My Job sheet No. is 368434038/070217/23 dated 17.Feb.07.
My complint no. is 2-1WPYJP dated 09.Mar.07.
Is there anyone who would listen to me???
I am also attaching the e mail communication that I had with Customer Suppport and you can find easily that what is going on.
Dear Mr. Ohal,

Thank you for emailing Nokia Care.

This e-mail is in reference to your concern regarding the Service provision of your Nokia N80. We understand your concern and sincerely regret the inconvenience caused. As per the update from the Customer Care Division, your Handset is currently in the process of service provision and kindly be assured that one of our Customer Care Executive will contact you on 26th March, 2007.

We seek your patience and further solicit your cooperation.

For further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Technical Support Executives at 30303838 between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm, seven days a week. For online support, visit "Have a question? Ask Nokia" at You may also find answers to your queries at We reassure you of our continuous support.

Please help us improve our services by clicking on the following link:,,96469,00.html

Kind regards,

Shamshad Begam
Nokia Care

------Original Message--------
From: "ext Sachin Ohal"
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 2:56:07 PM
Subject: Re: Nokia - Sachin Ohal - Nokia N80 Phone Concern

Dear Noki Care,

Please refer your earlier mail. 22nd March 07 came and gone but there was no call from any of your representative.
That is why I had mentioned your services as Pathetic in my earlier mails.
I am fed up writing mails to you and would like to initiate suitable action from my side. I do not see any reply or feedback coming to me on my complaint which was logged on 09.Mar.07. and let me remind you that it is 15 days now.

Keep frustating your customers.

Sachin Ohal

On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 NokiaCare wrote :
>Dear Mr. Ohal,
>Thank you for e-mailing Nokia Care.
>This e-mail is in reference to your concern regarding Nokia N80. We
>understand the difficulties you have been facing and sincerely regret
>the inconvenience caused. We are working on your case on priority basis.
>However, as your phone requires a higher degree of assessment, it has
>increased the turn around time. We shall coordinate with the Nokia Care
>Centre and revert to you with the subsequent update. You would receive
>call from one of our executives by 22nd March, 2006.
>We solicit your cooperation in this regard.
>For further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Technical Support
>Executives at 30303838 between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm, seven
>days a week. For online support, visit "Have a question? Ask Nokia" at
> You may also find answers to your queries at
> We reassure you of our continuous support.
>Please help us improve our services by clicking on the following link:
>Kind regards,
>Meghna Mohan
>Nokia Care
>-------Original Message--------
> From: "ext Sachin Ohal"
>Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:42:07 PM
>Subject: Re: Nokia - Sachin Ohal - Nokia N80 Phone Concern
>Dear Customer Care,
>It is very sad to state that I have to write you time and again
>regarding my complaint no. 2-1WPYJP.
>I registered this complaint on 09.03.2007 and I was asked to call back
>after 48 hrs. to know the status. I called back on 13.03.07 and spoke to
>Shriram and he again asked me call back after 48 hrs assuring me that I
>would get the status. I called back on 17.03.2007 and againg spoke to
>shriram and he was unable to provide feedback and asked me call back
>after 48 hrs. I thought of giving one more try and called back on
>20.03.2007 and spoke to Asma. To my surprise she was also unable to
>provide any feedback and asked me to call back after 24 hrs.
>What is care line meant for? Do you want your customers to call careline
>every 48 hrs.
>It is ridiculous that it is 11 DAYS after lodging the complaint and
>there is still no feedback on the same and in these 11 Days I could not
>get the status of my set.
>Is this the high service standards of Nokia?? DO customers need to go
>through all these pains after spending hefty amounts to buy NOkia
>My set is lying with Nokia Care for more than a MONTH now and I am not
>able to get the feedback for 11 days now. FORGET about getting the SET
>BACK. DO you really want your customer to go for a legal help in this
>I am very much irate and would never recommend any of the Nokia products
>to anybody.
>I would rate this as the Poorest of the services that I had ever seen
>and most pathetic response to customer complaint.
>I assume that care line is ment for just saying Sorry to the customers
>and cannot help them in any regards.
>I would like to take this to media as well and would like to show the
>nation that what kind of services are given by so called world leader
>Nokia. (Anyways Media is also hungry about these kind of issues).
>I would seek an early response and quick action for this and I
>understand that you will appreciate my patience. Now I cannot withstand
>this anymore and would like to take serious action for this. ONE Month
>is good enough time for repairng/Replacing the set and if the set is not
>available with L3 center it can be managed from any of the
>I had never imagined this poor service from Nokia and if I get a chance
>I would definately look to talk with your Customer Support Country Head.
>I hope I have made my points very clear and if I do not get a call from
>your and if this issue is not sorted out immediately, I am going to
>proceed with suitable action.
>Sachin Ohal
>On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 NokiaCare wrote :
> >Dear Mr. Ohal,
> >
> >Thank you for e-mailing Nokia Care.
> >
> >
> >This e-mail is in reference to your concern regarding Nokia N80. We
> >sincerely regret the inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience
> >in this regard. We shall do the needful and assist you in the best
> >possible way. We solicit your cooperation in this regard.
> >
> >For further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Technical
> >Executives at 30303838 between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm, seven
> >days a week. For online support, visit "Have a question? Ask Nokia" at
> > You may also find answers to your queries at
> > We reassure you of our continuous support.
> >
> >Please help us improve our services by clicking on the following link:
> >
> >,,96469,00.html
> >
> >Kind regards,
> >
> >Meghna Mohan
> >Nokia Care
> >
> >-------Original Message--------
> > From: "ext Sachin Ohal"
> >To:
> >CC:
> >Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:21:11 PM
> >Subject: Re: Nokia - Sachin Ohal - Nokia N80 Phone Concern
> >
> >
> >
> >Dear Sophia,
> >Thanks for the reply.
> >I do understand the process involved in this and that is the only
> >that I did not complaint for 1 month.
> >But somehow I was not comfortable for not knowing the exact status of
> >the set even after submitting it a month back.
> >I hope that necessary action will be taken from your end.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Regards,
> >Sachin Ohal
> >Pune
> >
> >
> >On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 NokiaCare wrote :
> > >Dear Mr. Ohal,
> > >
> > >Thank you for e-mailing Nokia Care.
> > >
> > >This e-mail is in reference to your concern with Nokia N80. We
> > >understand your displeasure over the delay in the service provision
> > >your mobile phone. As one of our valued customers, your satisfaction
> > >one of our primary objectives and we sincerely regret the
> > >caused to you as a result of this. We note your experience while
> >calling
> > >the carline. We will do the necessary fact findings and action it
> > >accordingly.
> > >
> > >We would like to inform you that when a phone is submitted for
> > >provision, it goes through several levels of assessment to identify
> > >exact concern. This process equips our technicians to provide you a
> > >definitive resolution. Hence, the delay may be attributed to the
> > >comprehensive assessment carried out on your phone. We wish to thank
> >you
> > >for your patience and know that you will understand the necessity for
> > >this delay.
> > >
> > >We have communicated your displeasure to our customer care division
> > >their prompt action. We also acknowledge receiving the information
> > >provided by you and have appraised our customer care division of the
> > >same for their effective handling of your case. Pursuant to your
> >request
> > >for replacement, we would like to inform you that we are presently
> > >in a position to comment on the request. However, we acknowledge
> > >received your request and will duly forward it to our customer care
> > >division.
> > >
> > >Further, kindly be assured that the concerned executive from the
> > >customer care division will contact you within the next 24 hours in
> > >order to validate the latest status on the service provision of your
> > >handset.
> > >
> > >We appreciate your patience and further solicit your cooperation.
> > >
> > >For further enquiries, please feel free to contact our Technical
> >Support
> > >Executives at 30303838 between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm, seven
> > >days a week. For online support, visit "Have a question? Ask Nokia"
> > > You may also find answers to your queries at
> > > We reassure you of our continuous support.
> > >
> > >Please help us improve our services by clicking on the following
> > >
> > >,,96469,00.html
> > >
> > >Kind regards,
> > >
> > >Sophia S
> > >Nokia Care
> > >
> > >-------Original Message--------
> > >
> > > From:
> > >To:
> > >CC:
> > >Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:51:48 PM
> > >Subject: Ask Nokia (Complain)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >[THREAD ID :2-1X4F8Z]
> > >
> > >
> > >[Type of Service:Repair]
> > >[Model:Nokia N80]
> > >[Accessories:]
> > >[Concern: This is in reference to Job Sheet No 368434038/070217/23
> >dated
> > >17.02.07. The target delivery date given to me was 24.02.07 but after
> > >month now I have still not received my hanset. I had lodged a
> > >for this and the complaint no for the same is 2-1WPYJP dated 09.03.07
> > >and had spoken to Shobha. She asked me to call after 48 hrs. to know
> >the
> > >status and when I called back on 13.02.07 and spoke to Sriram he gave
> > >the same answer and asked me to call back after 48 hrs. I cannot
> > >understand that if the call center do not have any information what
> > >the point in logging the complaint.
> > >However I am more concerned about my handset. Since the time i had
> > >purchased the set in june06 this is 4th time my set has gone to
> > >center. Unfortunately it always takes 1 month for the problem to get
> > >resolved. I have purchased the set for Rs.28000 and this is the value
> > >that i am getting for my money.
> > >My 3 months warrenty has lapsed while the set is lying with service
> > >center. Who is responsible for this?
> >I want immediate solution to this and request you that please do not
> >to satisfy me by giving lame excuses or any false explainations.
> >If I have paid Rs 28000 for the set I would expect that high quality
> >service also.If the problem cannot be rectified please Replace the set
> >and do not give any excuses that it takes time to replace the set and
> >all. What if company delays in giving your salary in time and then say
> >that it is due to technical error and it will take another 1 month for
> >your salary. You will definately be furious and will ask for
> >explaination coz you work for money and not for free.
> >Try to understand my emotions and the money that I had paid to buy the
> >set.
> >Request you to do something on URGENT BASIS as I do not have nay
> >alternative set and my all phone book is on memory card which I am not
> >able to use.
> >Please try to arrange the replacement on immediate basis, so that I can
> >start using the set.]
> >[Salutations:Mr.]
> >[FirstName:Sachin]
> >[LastName:Ohal]
> >[Gender:M]
> >[Email:[email protected]]
> >[CountryCode:+91]
> >[IMEI:358814000029993]
> >[State:Maharashtra]
> >[City:Pune]
> >[Country: India]
> >[Alternative Contact No:+91]
> >[Date of Purchase:01-6-2006]
> >[Job Sheet Number(s):368434038 07021 23]
> >[Job Sheet Date:17-2-2007]
> >[Job Closure Date:--]
> >[Authorized Care Center:Shree Communication]
> >[Have You Registered:yes]
> >[Where is Product?:At Care Centre]
> >[Last Time Visited:24-2-2007]
> >[Last Time Called:13-3-2007]
> >[Last Updates received:--]
>Top weeks
> >ature-home.htm/1050715198@Middle5/1119454_1113764/1120166/1?PARTNER=3&OA
>S_QUERY=null target=new>
March 12, 2007
Poor customer service!
I had a complaint with my cell Nokia 6020 and I went to Nokia customer care in Rajat square in Kanpur city.I reached the service center by 6:45PM. The service center staff said to me that it is not possible to accept your complaint as the time is almost 7.00PM which is our closing time.Since I am a student of IIT Kanpur which is located 16 Kms from the city and I have classes till 5:30PM in the evening it is possible for me to reach the city only by 6:45 at the max.

I would like to inform all of those who are reading this that though NOKIA set maybe cool their customer service is the worst you can find on earth. As long as you dont have a problem with your mobile it is good. But once there is a complaint with your set it is better to throw it away than spend all your time in the customer care.
March 3, 2007
Nokia is the worst!
Another one of the Nokia Product N series N70 is faulty. I had purchased a NOKIA mobile phone N70-1 edition on 15th January 2007. Within a 5-6 days of purchase the phone started giving problems even if there was no damage to the phone.


a) Consumption of battery even when the phone is in the power off mode.

b) After switching the phone to power off mode to again switch it to power on mode, i have to remove and replace the battery. Even if the battery is replaced and when the power key is pressed, sometimes only half of the screen gets illuminated (i.e The screen shows only quarter to half display without the phone getting switched on.) Then again i have to replace the battery and then it switches on.

c) For the same reason i have to charge the phone for at least twice a day even though i don't use the phone more often.

d) Overheating of Battery as reported by the dealer while surrendering the phone to Nokia Priority and Care Center.

I reported the problems to the dealer within 5-10 days and finally surrendered the phone as per their orders on 10th February 2007. I received a swap (a refurbished handset) which i refuse to accept. The reason being i had purchased a new mobile phone costing me 14570 INR from my hard earned money. Its been more than 20 days but nobody cares to listen to my queries neither help me. After pleading so many times they sent a refurbished handset to the dealer. I have to everyday plead them. Then i got very angry on Nokia and finally shouted at all the customer service executives. I have been given two complaint numbers;2-1V5LRV and 2-1V8Y1L, the later being the latest. I never expected this from Nokia. My brother had purchased Nokia 3310 when it had launched. Since then we are using Nokia Products. We never thought for another company product. But today my perception about NOKIA has completely changed and this Nokia product would be my last and final one. From today i would neither purchase my self nor would i recommend NOKIA to any human on this earth after receiving such a bad after sales service and experience.

Now as on 3rd March 2007 Mr. Rajorshi, the ROE Mumbai, tells me that he needs at least 7 days to arrange for a new N70-1 that too from the service kit and not from the sales kit. The reason being that there's no stock... I also offered him that i am ready to pay the difference if he can give me the N70 Music Edition as N70 stock is not available... and N70 ME is widely available...

I had a very good perception about Nokia - Mobile manufacturing company, but today my perception about NOKIA has completely changed. I do not recommend NOKIA to any human on this earth after receiving such a bad after sales service and a horrible experience.

Everybody please think more than ten times before you plan to buy NOKIA. It has really degraded in its product quality and Standards, and after sales service...

I am a sincere and a genuine person facing this difficulty and a company like NOKIA is not ready to help... Please at least you can help me... I am ready to give you all the details with the complaint numbers that they have issued to me. I can also give you the names of many of customer service representatives of Nokia along with the Delivery Challan, the Tax Invoice, and the Job Sheet of the Mobile Phone... Please Please Please Help...

NOKIA has really gone bad... No Doubt about it!

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