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Nokia Reviews

P Sreedhar May 31, 2010
Promotional Car holder not received with Nokia 5230
Dear sir

I have purchased a Nokia 5230 on the 4th of May 2010, which has features of navigation. I have made the purchase with M/S Popular mobile, a subsidiary of M/s Rao Brother trading corp (a micro distributer of nokia). As per the advertisement in the nokia-india web site, with this set an in-car accessory is supposed to be supplied FREE. But the same was not in the box (it was not mentioned in the box contents). I have written to the nokia customer care several times, but they have not been helpful. I have contacted the purchased place and his distribution points, but they say that they are helpless in this matter. I understand that they have given me a phone which was an old stock.

In this context I wish to state that I have purchased the mobile in the offer period, but have not been given the promotion offer, and hence request you to send the in-car mobile holder to my home address.

P Sreedhar
D-152, Kaiga Township,
Uttara Karnataka
Felix Rwang Danjuma May 31, 2010
Award the Sum of 165,000 British Pounds by Nokia United Kingdom Payment
Is About a great news on my cell number that i was awarded with the sum of 165, 000 British pounds by nokia united kingdom. Payment
rabou May 31, 2010
raffle draw
i received a message a few days ago informing me of winning of 1222000 pounds in 2010 nokia raffle draw i want to confirm the validity of this message please guide me
6610 i May 30, 2010
To find out my cellphone
Hello sir, i had lost my cellphone in marina beach on 25-04-2010 at 7.30pm to 8.00pm, after 11.00pm i informed to airtel office to bar my sim card and also applied for duplicate sim card in same number.
On 26-04-2010 i had gave complaint in D6 police station about my missed mobile phone .
so please i request you to find out my cell phone hand over to me. i enclose hereby all details.

MISSED CELL NO: 9840551708
MISSED DATE :25-04-2010
IMEI NO: 357948002263910






CHENNAI -600012.


Email: [email protected]
starring May 29, 2010
dear Sir
I received an SMS saying that Congratulations. Your mobile number has won 100, 000.00 GBP (great British pound) in the on-going Nokia 2010 raffle Draw, Contact us at [email protected],

Therefore i need to know if it is fake or real please write me back on this email address
[[email protected]]
starring May 28, 2010
dear Sir
I received an SMS saying that Congratulations. Your mobile number has won 100, 000.00 GBP (great British pound) in the on-going Nokia 2010 raffle Draw, Contact us at [email protected],

Therefore i need to know if it is fake or real please write me back on this email address
[[email protected]]
prasanta pratim sarmah May 27, 2010
To, Dtd. 25-05-2010

The Director/Authorised Person,


2nd Floor, Commercial Plaza


Mahipalpur, New Delhi -110037.

Respected Sir,

1. That, I Purchased a Nokia 5800 Model Phone from Borthakur Agency, a priority Dealer of Nokia, Mithapukhuri Road, Jorhat, Assam – 785001 on 11.05.2009.

2. That from the very next day my cell phone was found defective and regarding my complaint I handover my cell phone to your authorized service centre at PARAMOUNT SERVICE INDU BHAWAN, M.G. Road, Jorhat, Assam and your service centre repaired and told me that my phone have been upgraded by installing soft wear and now you will found no difficulties and subsequently get back my cell phone. That again I found some difficulties with Video Recording and hang of my cell phone. And I deposited my cell phone to your aforesaid authorized service centre again and get back with the same problem. The problem was not solved .

3. That again on 28th Nov/2009 I deposited my cell phone to your authorized service centre, under Job sheet number 713504886/ 090528/20 and they delivered without solving problem of my cell phone, and again these problem was occurred.

4. That on 17th April 2010, I approached to your paramount service authorized service centre of NOKIA and I asked to solve my problem and provide me better service and this time they told me that we cannot solve level 1. Problem in your service centre they only can solved level 2 problem. Therefore my cell phone must sent to Delhi for repairing. Thereby, I deposited my phone under job sheet number 713504886/00417/27 but It was vain that your authorized service centre told me on 24th May’2010. That we sent 2nd time to Delhi for repairing your phone, but the Delhi return us with same problem and your service centre again resent to Delhi on 24-05-10.

5. That according to data given by your authorized service centre are as follows :-

1st time :

Delhi Received on -24-04-2010

Delhi dispatched on - 30.04.10.

2nd time

Received on Delhi - 08-05-2010

Delhi dispatch date - 18-05-10

3rd time :

Resent to Delhi - 24-05-10

And Now my cell phone NOKIA 5800, Vide – IMEI Number 354182028084646 Still with your service centre without returning me with satisfied problem. Therefore, I now suffering from severe mental agony and loss of money and time and found no other option but to write my problem to your August Authority and I now fervently hope that your kind authority may kindly consider by problem and do amicable solution . So that I will get my cell phone with a normal condition by solving my problem of Handset or to replace it with a new one.

It is therefore prayed that your kind and benevolent authority would be pleased to consider my grievances and do needful and provide proper justice to me and hope your authority will not bound me to take any legal proceeding and other reliefs.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Prasanta Protim Sarmah)

R/o Pragati Path Jail Road

Opp. Assam Oil Petrol Pump

P.O. : Borbheta, Jorhat (Assam)

Pin. : 785004

Mob. No.: 094350-52609


Land No. 0376-2310299

Enclosed herewith a photocopy of

1. Cash memo of Nokia Priority Dealer, Borthakur Agency, Mithapukhuri Road, Jorhat – 785001 (Assam)

2. Service Job sheet of Dtd. 28th May ‘2009 vide job sheet no 713504886/090528/20

3. Service Job sheet of dtd. 17th April 2010 vide job sheet No. 713504886/100417/27.
Matt Groves May 25, 2010
'Nokia Care' Oxymoron
From: Matt Groves
Sent: Wednesday, 26 May 2010 12:54 PM
To: 'Chatswood'
Subject: RE: LCD for a Nokia 6220 Classic

Dear ‘Nokia Care’,

This is now an open letter.

You said:

‘Sorry for the inconvenience.’

Excuse me? Although the person who responded to my email below may well feel contrite about the poor service this Nokia policy provides, and understandably feel the need to apologise, your apology is not accepted as it is a very blatant lie; ‘Nokia Care’ management are not sorry at all – they have deliberately created my inconvenience.

You said:

‘We are not authorised by Nokia to sell parts individually. If you would like the LCD replaced, you will need to have it repaired by one of our technicians.’

This is a narrow minded policy that will no doubt have aggravated customers before it aggravated me today.

Today I simply wanted a part from you. The part is easily replaced without a screwdriver. I can replace it in about a minute. Your organisation is refusing to provide this part, insisting that to acquire it from you I must spend money on one of your ‘technicians’ to install the part, and wait up to a day or more before I am able to use my phone again.

Your policy results in very poor service by you.

I have been told at your Chatswood ‘Nokia Care’ centre that:

‘All the mobile phone manufacturers do this’

What a lame excuse. Translation: ‘All our competitors provide poor service so, it’s resonable for us to do it.’ Or ‘You won’t get anything better from our competitors, so get used to it sucker.’

Given the simplicity of fitting this part, it is like being told at my shoe store that to acquire a new set of shoes identical to the old ones, I must spend money on one of their ‘technicians’ to put the shoes on my feet, and wait up to a day or more before I am able to walk normally again. Note that we are not applying any skill to the selection of the shoes here, we are just putting them on and tieing laces.

It is apparent to me that ‘Nokia Care’ is an oxymoron.

Every mobile phone I have owned since my 2110 in 1994 has been a Nokia. Seven of them? You could say I have been a loyal customer. Your management has foolishly inconvenienced this loyal customer for (hopefully) the last time.

My current 6220C has been my worst Nokia phone for reliability, with issues including
• intermittent reboot loops requiring removal of the battery to get the phone working again,
• the phone shutting itself off on receipt of calls several times each month,
• intermittent freezing during saving of video losing me precious recordings that can’t be replaced on many occasions I’ve used the video functionality,
to mention a few of the phone’s problems.

As part of the vocal minority, I’m doing you people a favour and letting you know my plans with regard to future purchases of Nokia products, and how I’ll be discussing my experiences of ‘Nokia Care’. As your marketing people will know, for every 1 in the vocal minority, there are 10 or 20 in the silent majority who feel the same way, but won’t tell you about it. Most dissatisfied customers will just walk away from you to your competitors, and you’ll never know why.

Your marketing people should also know it cost more to get a new client that hold an existing client. You’ve blown it with this now ex-customer.

Wise to forward this email to senior management. They need to understand the consequences of their poor service (=marketing) decisions.

I will purchase the part I need on this occasion on eBay from a reputable seller who will give me what I want for a small fraction of the cost of your ‘service’ (note the small ‘s’) and who will have it shipped to me within a few days. I will then tolerate my last Nokia phone for the remainder of my contract or I may chose to ditch it if the opportunity arises at my convenience.

I will share my experiences of ‘Nokia Care’ with people I care about whenever stories about poor customer service are being discussed, I will probably publish this email thread on various relevant blogs for the information of others, and I will be careful to purchase a brand other than Nokia for my next phone.

Matt Groves

From: Chatswood [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, 26 May 2010 9:05 AM
To: Matt Groves
Subject: RE: LCD for a Nokia 6220 Classic

Hi Matt,

We are not authorised by Nokia to sell parts individually. If you would like the LCD replaced, you will need to have it repaired by one of our technicians.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Customer Service Team

688 Pacific Hwy
Chatswood NSW 2067

Phone: (02) 9410 0122
Fax: (02) 9410 0260
E-mail: [email protected]
View your repairs online:
Dealer Website:

This email and any attachments may contain privileged and confidential information and are intended for the addressee only. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this email immediately. Any confidentiality, privilege or copyright is not waived or lost because this email has been sent to you in error. It is your responsibility to check this email and attachments for viruses.

From: Matt Groves
Sent: Tue 5/25/2010 6:04 PM
To: Chatswood
Subject: LCD for a Nokia 6220 Classic

I need to purchase an LCD screen for a Nokia 6220 Classic. I do not need it installed for me, as the installation is easy (as you will know). I just need the part.

I would like to purchase this LCD screen from you early tomorrow afternoon when I will be driving through Chatswood. Please confirm (in the morning if you can) whether you have the screen in stock, and how much you can sell it to me for when I come by to pick it up.

Thank you,
Matt Groves
harvinder.singh May 19, 2010
Handset Problem
My mobile is not working problem (Nokia-6303 classic), I had purchase this handset dated on 23.08.2009. I have given six times to Nokia center but still is not working properly, last time I gave this mobile to Nokia service center west VIkas Puri, new Delhi India before 10 days and job sheet number is 1300061959, but still they could not return my mobile, they said it will take 20 days. I can not leave without my mobile, and I found Nokia mobile gives a lot of problem. For others - do not buy Nokia products if you don't want to have problems after.
Benisj May 18, 2010
email regarding winning proze
i m a citizen of pakistan i recieved this email..plz tell me is it true???or it is fake..reply me as early as possible.. here m attaching the copy of that email

From: "NOKIA" <[email protected]>Add sender to ContactsTo: undisclosed-recipientsNokia Online Promotions,
Nokia Corporation
Keilalahdentie 2-4, FI-02150 Espoo
Post Address: P.O. Box 226,

Dear Winner,

On behalf of the management and staff of Nokia Corporation-the organizers of the 2009 Nokia Online Regional Promotion, I wish to inform you that your email address has won you a cash price of US$300, 000 (Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars. Attached to your cash price is a BMW 3 Series Saloon Car, an N95 Series 3G Nokia mobile phone, and your winning certificate.


Your email address produced the lucky numbers 21-34-10-12-5 which made you one of our winners in our ongoing promotion.

40 internet/email users emerged as winners.This promotion is the first of its kind and is in line with the commemorating event marking our 142nd anniversary.A large database of Email addresses are taken from websites, online directories, and search engines all over the world and are entered for the promotional draws. This is geared towards promoting the Nokia brand and also to encourage individuals of all class to use the internet network.

To process your claims, a claims officer has been assigned to you.She will take you through the process of redeeming your prizes. Please find below her contact information:

EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

To enable a speedy processing of your claims, you are expected to provide the following information by email to your claims agent:

1.Full Name:
2.Contact Address:
3.Phone Number:
7.Country of Residence:

Note: You are advised to contact ONLY your claims agent in all matters regarding your win. Do not respond to this email as it is only an automated notification to alert you of your winnings.

Should there by any change of your email address, please notify your claims agent immediately.

Once again, congratulations from us.


Mr. Jerry Strickland.

Online Promotion Director.
Nokia Corporation.

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