I got the mail as under
from: James Peter <[email protected]>
201-203 The Broadway, Wimbledon London, SW19 1FF.
CCS Tel: +44-7031958963, +44-7031964873, +44-7031946568.
Fax: +44 070 459 1650
Attn :Nitin Prakash Kankariya,
You are welcome to ALLIED IRISH BANK PLC. We are pleased to be at your service. ALLIED IRISH BANK PLC is regulated and Stipulated by the Financial Service Authority (FSA), the financial institutions that govern all financial activities in the United Kingdom.
Be informed that your funds supplied to us was deposited in pounds sterlings amounting to £ 250, 000.00 pounds into a suspence account pending activation.
We are to lauch/create an online account for you were you are to start up your international transfer to your local bank account.Before your online account will be lauched out, you are expected to register online with the bank link below.
Upon your online registration, your online account information will be given to you to start up your transfer from your account to what so ever account you feel like transfering your funds into.
Once registration process is completed we shall get back to you with the next proceeding.
We expect your urgent response and swift action in this regard.
Kind Regards,
Dr.James Peter,
Head of Operation/Online Department,
Allied Irish Bank Plc.United Kingdom,
You are Welcome to Allied Irish Bank of London where E-Banking is made easy to our esteem customers...
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The Allied Irish Bank of London © 2009