The individual named above along with his partners in crime are involved in duping banks to the tune of 1000 of crores of rupees.They have floated a fictitious account in Fortis Bank, Istanbul, Turkey and are trying to wheedle Bank officers to issue a false Bank Guarantee and irrevocable bank advise for the same amount of cash out. There are Africans as well as individuals from the middle east involved in the same racket.
A similar racket/effort by the self same individual has been unearthed in Bangalore where false cheques worth 700 Crores was issued for ABN Amro bank, with false signatures of reputed bank officers and seals.This came to light recently and a Deccan Herald Article chronicles the same on January 17, 2009.
All beware, these individuals are not as innocent as they seem. They use other individuals to get their dirty work done for them.