To many taxi drivers out serving us in Vancouver, and other cities, thanks. That said, to the ones that are abusive towards passengers, as the driver I had today from North Shore Taxi, how dare you treat a customer that way! Having taken North Shore Taxi many times, never have I had a driver question when I ask him/her to take the route I choose.
Today, was the worst trip I have ever had the displeasure of having!
To say that I was verbally abused (and threated, won’t get into what was said, hear say and all) would be gentle. “I don’t know where I am going!” was yelled at me, was the start of it. All I asked this man, was to take my chosen route, not one of his choosing. Am sure that many times, the driver would/will know the quicker route, this was NOT one of them.
I have never, ever felt so humiliated when he pulled over to a gas station, letting me out, then demanding that I give him my fare, only half way to my destination!
I admit, I did lose my cool, having never been treated like this, but I am the paying customer. I asked him simply to take a route that I had chosen, not one that would have taken me down many, many stop signs. All this abuse of me, because I questioned his choice of routes?
I took 2 taxi’s today, one to the vet, the other, back from. I have taken North Shore Taxi many times, never have I ever been treated like this, by any of its drivers. To them, thanks for the service.
However, after one bad, abusive ride, will never take another taxi via your company.