If a default judgment has been issued against you by the New York Civil Court in favor of Northern Leasing they cannot post it as a judgment against your Credit Report until it is entered as judgment with the New York Civil Court for an additional fee of $15.00
(You can check by going to http://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/webcivilLocal/LCMain to see if they obtained a default judgment against you and then calling to see if they have a record of judgment; I doubt it since they only have TWO from 2004 listed; TWO. )
In 2004 they were granted 2900 default judgments from the new York Civil Court; at $15 an entry for judgment of record that is over $43, 000 dollars. No way is Northern Leasing going to spend that kind of money. They cannot report to the Credit Reporting Agencies it is a judgment UNTIL they enter it as a judgment of record.
The Credit Reporting Agencies have to verify with the New York Civil Court that it is a judgment of record; to not do so is a violation of the Fair Reporting Act and New York Law.
DON'T bother with Northern Leasing unless you want to have the default judgment removed; write to the CRA's and just have it removed from your credit. Don't tell Northern Leasing; they will figure it out eventually but they will not know WHO got it removed. If you tell them they can file the $15 against you and then you are stuck.
They don't have any power in this area unless they are willing to spend a lot of money.
Just have them removed from your Credit and go on with your life.
My name is Hate Northern and my SS# is 000-00-0000
I am sending this dispute Certified Mail to make sure you receive it.
There is no judgment of record # 12345 from the New York City Civil Court for this date of 07/2004 for the amount $1234 from Northern Leasing, Inc.
If this entry is verified, please send me the name and address of the provider or furnisher providing this data, and the manner in which it was provided in order that I may pursue additional legal remedies.
Very truly yours,
Hate Northern