I have been unemployed for almost a year and a half. For the most part I have been able to meet my obligations but I did encounter a very tough period when I had been informed by the state that my unemployment benefits were going to be ending. I had a mortgage, car insurance, credit cards - you name it.<br />
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After finally catching up on just about all of my bills I began to receive legal notices from a Massachusetts based attorney representing the Northern Mass Telephone Workers Credit Union. Firts off I was shocked to even be hearding from an attorney because I had not been informed that my account was being transferred to a debt collector. The credit union never event attempted to work out the situation with me in any way, shape or form. I was also shocked because the total amount owed on the credit card was approximately $600. <br />
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Even more amazing was that Northen Mass Telephone Workers Credit Union had been informed of my unemployment situation. You would think that in this time of economic down-turn they would have been more understanding and do what they could to help out a customer, but no, they chose not to do that. They chose not to do what was right. <br />
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This was another example of a bank trying to threaten a customer into paying up. Something I would have been glad to do all along had I been employed. Oddly enough I had been laid off from a telephone company - a kind of company this credit union was designed to help out members of. Talk about a slap in the face.<br />
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I would strongly recommend that you do NOT use their services.