Gary Worboys crooked liar NSW cop, would have to be the BIGGEST LIAR and crook ever to put on a NSW Police Uniform. One of liar & outlaw Gary Worboys terrorist crooked criminal cops
Leslie Charles Gilroy, while armed with a pistol, terrorised my wife and I as he invaded our home and robbed us and trashed and destroyed and looted our property. Crooked NSW cop
Gary Worboys had a "pretend" police investigation, to try and "cover-up" his crooked criminal cop Leslie Charles Gilroy, s terrorist armed robbery, because crooked liar Gary Worboys NSW cop,
refused to do anything about the robbery because criminal NSW cop Leslie Charles Gilroy was "one-of-the-boys.
In NSW if a cop commits a crime, the NSW Police investigate NSW Police, so crooked and criminal NSW Police can do anything that they want without having to worry about being charged
or prosicuted, thats wny crooked cops like Gary Worboys and Leslie Charles Gilroy get away with nasty and viiscious crimes.
"[url=]LIAR NSW cop Gary Worboys[/url]