Notice of Class Action Lawsuit to California Tenants of Landlord UDR (NYSE:UDR) 2007-Present
2009-07-15 06:23:12 - UDR's CA Residential Lease Agreement (RLA) is illegal and this Colorado-based Landlord/REIT (NYSE:UDR) has intentionally collected fees and fines it knew to be illegal and deferred liability for personal injury and property damage to tenants for the past six years. All tenants that signed an RLA since January 1, 2007 and paid any of the following fees, out-of-pocket expenses and/or were evicted based on a breach of this illegal RLA, are entitled to reimbursement:
(1) Early lease termination fees.
(2) Late fees.
(3) Utility payments to NWP or other third party ratio utility billing service.
(4) Unexpected deductions from your security deposit aside from normal wear and tear.
(5) Property damage due to UDR negligence.
(6) Personal injury due to UDR negligence.
If you have been harmed and wish to participate, please send a brief summary of the ways you were harmed to [email protected] and we'll send you information on how to join. There is no cost to join or participate and you will remain anonymous. Deadline to join is August 15, 2009.
See entire press release at: