Reported by UDR Fraud at www.udrfraud.com. For more information, contact Beatty Hanslinger at [email protected]
As if they didn’t have enough problems with their current portfolio of properties, now the downtrodden Colorado-based residential REIT / Landlord, UDR, Inc., is partnering with Abdulnasser Abdulmuhsen Al-Subeih and Ali Al-Ghannam, executive of Islamic lender Kuwait Finance House to acquire high income residential real estate in major cities in the United States with total investments of up to $450 million.
Gulf Arab investors are targeting the United States real estate market after making initial investments in the late 1990s, but pulling out prior to the financial crisis. They now hope to return to American real estate market targeting "A" class assets with a minimum of $20 million that are less than seven years old.
But why UDR? The 50, 000 apartment homes UDR already owns are in such tragic disrepair and 30% of UDR’s revenues are going to hit a skid with the pending class action lawsuit in California. UDR Chief Executive Officer, Thomas W. Toomey, must not be providing full disclosure or else Al-Subeih and Al-Ghannam doesn’t understand the value of thorough due diligence.
Let’s just wait and watch. Should be interesting. So much for the red, white and blue spirit that seems to have been the cornerstone of UDR’s history. It puts an interesting spin on UDR’s tagline, “Opening Doors to the Future.” God bless America.
See Reuter’s report: http://www.reuters.com/article/innovationNews/idUSTRE57E0IJ20090815