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1745 Shea Center Drive, Suite 200, Highland Ranch, Colorado, United States


NYSE:UDR - UDR, Inc. Reviews

UDR Fraud September 3, 2009
UDR Gets Court to Issue Bench Warrant for the Arrest of Consumer Advocate to Prevent Her From Telling the Truth
NYSE:UDR – UDR, Inc. Joins Two Loan Mod Scams in Court to Stop Homeless Consumer Advocate From Speaking the Truth & Gets Judge Franz Miller to Issue Bench Warrant for Advocate With $5, 000 Bail

NYSE:UDR shareholders must be so proud of your stock pick today. First of all it’s the NYSE:UDR is in another free fall, crash and burn cycle because the Kuwait Finance House is a little disappointed in what they’ve learned about UDR lately. But most importantly, it’s a dark day for American liberties and freedoms. Money talks folks and when criminal cash flow is interrupted, someone has to pay the price. Read on.

Ladies and Gentleman ---

On this side of the ring is an in pro per litigant, a 40-something single mom, that under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is guaranteed freedom of speech and press to publish factual articles about illegal activities to aid consumers in foreclosure and oppressed tenants. She has the inalienable right to publish words anonymously without prior restraint but the system has failed her. The truth is an absolute defense against defamation and the truth tends to hurt liars, cheats and thieves. Especially those that get Court Orders illegally and without merit.

On the other side of the ring you have a $500 million publicly traded company in Colorado, Landlord/REIT, UDR; Attorney James Parsa; Parsa Law Group; Attorney Jeffrey Cancilla; Solutions Law Group; Attorney Craig Laverty; Law Offices of Craig Laverty; Attorney Dan Kessler; Attorney Eric Goodman; Attorney David Berstein, Attorney Nicholas Myers, and the Law Offices of Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George.

Yes, folks – look like an even fight tonight! Oh yes, we forgot Judge Franz Miller, buddy adjunct professor at Whittier Law School with Attorney Eric Goodman and Attorney Dan Kessler and a big fan of the theory “the more the merrier.” On August 31, 2009, he allowed all of the above join in together against Erin Baldwin. And then the best is left for last – drum roll please --

Today NYSE:UDR – UDR, Inc; Parsa Law Group, et al. got their pal Franz Miller to issue a bench warrant for the arrest of Erin Baldwin to take her to jail on a $5, 000 bail for contempt of court.

What a life. What a justice system. Gotta love it.

Okay, first up:
NYSE:UDR – UDR, Inc. has screwed thousands of tenants out of thousands of dollars over the past 6 six years due to its illegal California leases and for which there is a pending class action lawsuit started by Erin Baldwin, Consumer Advocate. Causes of action include:
1. Fraud by intentional misrepresentation, concealment and omission of material facts necessary to form a proper and valid contract;
2. Violation of the California Public Utilities Commission’s prohibition from non-utilities earning a profit off selling water and energy;
3. The illegal use of liquidated damages clauses forcing tenants to waive their right to protection from liquidated damages clauses under California law and requiring them to agree that it was “fair and equitable” to pay 2-1/4 time the bases rent should they have to terminate their lease early regardless of what point in the lease they were at;
4. The illegal calculation of late fees under recent case law and state laws thereon (some properties are charging 10% per month instead of the California state law mandate of 10% per annum (non-compounded);
5. Violation of California state law defining the factors permissible to deduct from a tenant’s security deposit; rather, inventing 16 separate illegal fees, fines and penalties that UDR tenants were required to agree to;
6. Illegal exculpatory (”hold harmless”) clauses creating a perception of lack of negligence liability on the part of UDR;
7. Irrefutable evidence that the Orange County Superior Court had evicted tenants for the past 5 years based on an unlawful and invalid contract capitalizing on consumer’s ignorance of the law and the Orange County Sheriff’s Department has carried out such unlawful evictions;
8. UDR’s lack of proper definition of the legal entity of its properties in the controlling RLA (contract) which was the basis of its unlawful detainer actions;
9. UDR’s conscious failure to comply with California state law mandating UDR (as an out-of-state landlord) to state the proper name, address and telephone number of its in-state agent for service of process;
10. UDR’s blatant disregard of California Secretary of State regulations to maintain a complete and accurate record of its in-state legal entity and agent for service of process for California; and
11. UDR’s hideous violations of tenant health and safety standards

We reported the facts to aid UDR tenants and UDR sued Erin Baldwin and Bad Biz Finder for defamation and had 3 blogs shut down. The Answer in this case isn’t even due until September 13.

Their attorneys? Eric Goodman, Esq., David Berstein, Esq., and Nicholas Myers, Esq. all of Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George in Irvine, California.

Next up:

James Parsa, charged with 8 counts of statutory rape in 2000, pled guilty to two counts – and child endangerment charges in 2007 for leaving a child under the age of 6 in a car by herself. Rapists usually are not allowed to practice law, are they? Prior to mid-2008, the only cases he ever handled were personal injury automobile accident cases. But magically in April of 2008, he became a loan modification litigation expert with 18 years of experience.

Never mind the “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau, laundering money through inKor Holdings (Alex Dastmalchi, Jim’s partner in crime), showing pictures of “attorneys” on his website that aren’t even attorneys, and those that are attorneys have a checkered past to say the least. His lies and You Tube videos have also screwed thousands of consumers in foreclosure in not only California but in 8 other states for which he is not even licensed.

We reported the facts to aid consumers in foreclosure and James Parsa and Parsa Law Group sued Erin Baldwin and Bad Biz Finder for defamation and had 3 blogs shut down. We just filed an Appeal on this case and it will be entered into the record tomorrow.

Their attorneys? Eric Goodman, Esq., David Berstein, Esq., and Nicholas Myers, Esq. all of Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George in Irvine, California.

Finally –

Jeffrey Cancilla, Solutions Law Group the heat got too hot and in July he sold his business to Craig Laverty. Of course, all of the consumers he had screwed over the past 2 years were still waiting for a loan modification that had been paid for in full. Laverty comes on the scene and contacts all of these waiting clients and tries to convince them to sign his contract waiving Cancilla’s liability. We warned clients that Cancilla has to reimburse clients for fees he has collected and not performed under BEFORE Laverty takes over.

We reported the facts to aid consumers in foreclosure and Jeffrey Cancilla and Craig Laverty sued Erin Baldwin and Bad Biz Finder for defamation. The Answer in this case isn’t even due until September 13.

Their attorneys? You guessed it! Eric Goodman, Esq., David Berstein, Esq., and Nicholas Myers, Esq. all of Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George in Irvine, California.

David & Goliath? Who will prevail? Only God knows for sure. Stay tuned.

Beatty Hanslinger
[email protected]
UDR Fraud August 10, 2009
UDR Faces Grand Larceny & Extortion Charges

Larceny is defined as the unlawful or fraudulent removal of another's property without the owner's consent. California Penal Code, Section 484, states: Every person (and a Corporation is for all intents and purposes a “natural person”) who shall:

(1) feloniously steal, take, carry, lead, or drive away the personal property of another;
(2) fraudulently appropriate property that has been entrusted to him or her;
(3) knowingly and designedly, by any false or fraudulent representation or pretense, defraud any other person of money, labor or real or personal property … is guilty of larceny, now commonly referred to as theft.

If the property is a value over $400, it is considered “grand larceny, ” or “grand theft.”

On June 16, 2009, outspoken tenant advocate, Erin Baldwin was unexpectedly and forcibly evicted from her UDR apartment after receiving a written promise from Kelli Beltran (Orange County Superior Court Operations Director), that the eviction would be stayed until their meeting scheduled for June 23, 2009 to discuss the suspicious and unorthodox court proceedings of three back-to-back unlawful detainer actions brought against Baldwin by UDR (in a period of 6 months) all of which were in retaliation for initiating a class-action lawsuit against UDR.

In reliance of Beltran’s promise, Baldwin was not packed nor had a reason to believe that an eviction would take place that day or ever. Regardless, she was evicted with her 2 dogs and whatever property she could quickly remove and was told by the sheriff she had 15 days to return to the unit to collect her property. From that moment to June 19, 2009, UDR maintained 24/7 surveillance of her apartment by four security guards prohibiting access to the unit by anyone including Baldwin.

On June 19, 2009, UDR leasing staff entered the unit carrying a video recorder, packed, removed all of Baldwin’s personal property, claiming it was “abandoned property.” Villa Venetia’s Property Manager, Melissa Hurtado, signed a “Notice of Right to Reclaim Abandoned Personal Property [California Civil Code 1984]” on that date although the property was not abandoned, rather stolen by UDR.

Baldwin never received the Notice due to the fact that she was homeless. She sent 3 separate emails to Tracy Saffos, UDR Regional Director copying onsite leasing staff and UDR executives in Colorado requesting the whereabouts of her property with zero response. Finally, a response came by way of UDR’s unlawful detainer attorney, Cynthia S. Poer. See the series of emails from her as they attempt to extort money out of Baldwin for stealing her property.


According to the California Penal Code, Sections 518-527, "Extortion is the obtaining of property from another, with his consent, or the obtaining of an official act of a public officer, induced by a wrongful use of force or fear, or under color of official right." (§ 518).

"Fear, such as will constitute extortion, may be induced by a threat, either:

1. To do an unlawful injury to the person or property of the individual threatened or of a
third person;

2. To accuse the individual threatened, or any relative of his, or member of his family, of any crime; or,

3. To expose, or to impute to him or them any deformity, disgrace or crime; or,

4. To expose any secret affecting him or them." (§ 519).

First email dated July 16, 2009 wherein Attorney Cynthia Poer defers all communications directly to UDR Corporate in Colorado, although the UDR leasing office had directed Baldwin to Brisco & Associates (Cynthia Poer’s boss, Todd A. Brisco).

Subject: Abandoned Personal Property
From: "Cynthia Poer" [email protected]
Date: Thu, Jul 16, 2009 5:04 pm
To: <[email protected]>

Ms. Baldwin,

Your reply email regarding your personal belongings was forwarded to my attention. Our staff tried to be helpful and politely provide you answers to your questions. Your response was entirely inappropriate. Our staff will no longer accept your calls or respond to your emails. If you have relevant questions, you may direct them to me.

With regard to your property, you have been provided will all the information we have at this time regarding the location of your personal belongings. Pursuant to California Civil Code section 1988, as indicated in the notice, our client may now proceed to sale. If you are able to pay the total applicable storage fees and costs prior to date of sale along with any costs associated with the advertisement of sale, you will be permitted to retrieve your belongings. The property and its disposition are being handled by UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, LP. Your business is with them. Should you be unable to obtain reasonable information from them regarding the status of your belongings, you may direct your questions in a professional manner to me. I will do what I can to answer them. Any inappropriate or rude emails will not be answered.

Cynthia S. Poer, Esq.
Associate Attorney
Todd A. Brisco & Associates, APC
1900 South State College Boulevard, Suite 505
Anaheim, CA 92806
Telephone: (714) 634-2814
Facsimile: (714) 634-0662
Email: [email protected]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Second email (also copied to the top brass at UDR) where in she begins to throw around the amount of money UDR is hoping to extort from Baldwin:

Subject: Abandoned Personal Property
From: "Cynthia Poer" [email protected]
Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2009 10:56 am
To: [email protected]
Cc: "'Thomas Toomey'" <[email protected]>, "'Mark Culwell'" <[email protected]>, "'Mark Wallis'" <[email protected]>, "'David Messenger'" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "'Richard Giannotti'" [email protected]

Ms. Baldwin,

The current total amount due in order for you to reclaim your property is $1502.09. That figure is comprised of $262.09 for packing materials, $1, 040.00 for moving costs, and $200.00 first months rent for 4 vaults ($50/mo.) That $200.00 rental amount is charged in full at the beginning of the rental month and is not prorated for partial month storage. The initial $200.00 covers rent through close of business tomorrow, July 18, 2009.

If you can provide payment in the form of a certified check (not a money order or any other form of payment), made payable to UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P., and deliver the check to UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. (hereinafter "Villa Venetia") by 1:45 today, you will be granted access to the units today. You will have until close of business tomorrow to reclaim your belongings without incurring any additional rent charges. I've requested that time for your information. As soon as I am advised of the closing time of the storage facility, I will email it to you. If any items are left behind, the storage unit(s) will be re-locked. If the remaining items are deemed to be of less than $300 in value, they will be discarded. If deemed to be more than $300 in value, you may reclaim the additional items upon payment of the additional rent. If you delay in reclaiming the additional items and Villa Venetia incurs any charges for advertisement or preparation for auction, you will need to include those additional charges before you will be granted access to your belongings. That balance can be provided at your request in the event that all items are not removed by tomorrow.

All correspondence sent to you following the termination of your tenancy has been sent via certified mail to any and all address previously provided to Villa Venetia. Villa Venetia does not have a current address for you. Should you require hard copies of any documents, please provide an address to which they should be sent. Should you need additional information, you may submit your request to me via email.

Cynthia S. Poer, Esq.
Associate Attorney
Todd A. Brisco & Associates, APC
1900 South State College Boulevard, Suite 505
Anaheim, CA 92806
Telephone: (714) 634-2814
Facsimile: (714) 634-0662
Email: [email protected]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Third email (also copied to the top brass at UDR) where in Cynthia Poer retracts the amount of money UDR wishes to extort from Baldwin and says “Given that my original discussions regarding the property required payment today, I wanted to alert you to the change. I will have the additional information for you shortly.” More fear.

Subject: Abandoned Personal Property
From: "Cynthia Poer" [email protected]
Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2009 11:14 am
To: [email protected]
Cc: "'Thomas Toomey'" <[email protected]>, "'Mark Culwell'" <[email protected]>, "'Mark Wallis'" <[email protected]>, "'David Messenger'" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "'Richard Giannotti'" [email protected]

Ms. Baldwin,

I've just been provided with revised information on the storage unit and the process entailed in you reclaiming your belongings. The charge for the second month of storage was applied July 1, 2009. Thus, to date, your revised storage costs are $200 instead of $400. On the plus side, however, you are paid through the end of July and therefore do not have to rush to get everything out by tomorrow. There are also additional fees associated with the removal of your property. I will forward the additional fees and details momentarily. Given that my original discussions regarding the property required payment today, I wanted to alert you to the change. I will have the additional information for you shortly.

Cynthia S. Poer, Esq.
Associate Attorney
Todd A. Brisco & Associates, APC
1900 South State College Boulevard, Suite 505
Anaheim, CA 92806
Telephone: (714) 634-2814
Facsimile: (714) 634-0662
Email: [email protected]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Third email (leaves off the top brass at UDR so they can deny involvement) where in Cynthia Poer increases the amount UDR wishes to extort from Baldwin by $600.00 from $1, 502.09 to $2, 102.09.

Subject: Abandoned Personal Property
From: "Cynthia Poer" [email protected]
Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2009 5:38 pm
To: [email protected]
Cc: "'Thomas Toomey'" <[email protected]>, "'Mark Culwell'" <[email protected]>, "'Mark Wallis'" <[email protected]>, "'David Messenger'" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "'Richard Giannotti'" [email protected]

Ms. Baldwin,

The total amount that will need to be paid by you in advance in certified funds to secure the release of your personal property currently being held in storage is $2, 102.09. This figure will remain unchanged through July 31, 2009. The charges breakdown as follows:

$ 262.09 for packing materials
$1, 040.00 for moving costs
$ 200.00 June rent
$ 200.00 July rent
$ 300.00 Labor to retrieve, verify inventory, and stage items for claim
($75/hr, minimum 4 hours)
$ 100.00 Labor for Villa Venetia management representative to remain
throughout process/verify & sign off inventory
$2, 102.09

Effective August 1, 2009, an additional $200 will be charged for August rent. Monthly rent is not prorated.

In addition, a tentative auction date of August 18, 2009 has been scheduled. As of August 4, publication of the auction date, time and location will begin. You will continue to have the opportunity to reclaim your belongings any time up until date of auction. You will, however, be responsible for any additional costs for advertising or auction preparation once that process begins.

You will also need to provide your own truck to remove your belongings, and labor to load them onto your truck.

Should you be able to procure funds sufficient to satisfy the above charges, please advise when you will make payment and available dates for property removal so that schedules may be coordinated.

Please advise if you have questions pertinent to this process.

Cynthia S. Poer, Esq.
Associate Attorney
Todd A. Brisco & Associates, APC
1900 South State College Boulevard, Suite 505
Anaheim, CA 92806
Telephone: (714) 634-2814
Facsimile: (714) 634-0662
Email: [email protected]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fourth email (leaves off the top brass at UDR so they can deny involvement) wherein UDR decides that extortion may not be such a good idea after all except Poer states: “This is a limited time offer. Additional rent charges will be assessed on August 1, 2009. Therefore, you must pick up your property by July 31, 2009.”

Subject: RE: Offer Regarding Personal Property
From: "Cynthia Poer" [email protected]
Date: Fri, Jul 24, 2009 8:17 am
To: [email protected]

July 23, 2009

[email protected]

Erin Baldwin


Dear Ms. Baldwin,

At the request of our client, and in the interest of putting an end to this matter, UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. has informed us that they are willing to waive the storage fees and costs incurred to date and offer you the opportunity to claim your personal belongings before any more costs are incurred or parties become involved. This is a limited time offer. Additional rent charges will be assessed on August 1, 2009. Therefore, you must pick up your property by July 31, 2009.

You will still be responsible for providing your own truck(s) to remove your belongings, and for providing your own labor to load your belongings on to your truck(s). UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. will pay all storage facility personnel charges for the staging and inventory verification of your property.

In the interest of protecting all parties from further legal action over the property, the storage facility requires that a management representative from UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. be present to sign off on each item as it is released. UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. in turn will request that you sign off on each item as it is released to you. In order to coordinate management schedules and to book labor time with the storage facility, we request that you provide no less than 72 hours notice of the date on which you wish to pick up your property.

Should you choose to decline this offer, all charges will be reinstated effective August 1, 2009. Further, UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. will proceed forward with advertisement and auction of your property, as is their legal right pursuant to California Civil Code §1988. You will, pursuant to law, still have the option to claim all of your property up until the date of auction upon full payment of all costs incurred. You also have the right, pursuant to law, to attend the auction and bid on the property as it comes up for sale.

Please advise this office should you choose to accept this offer. If no response is received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, July 27, 2009, it will be assumed that you have waived this option.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office.

Very Truly Yours,


Cynthia S. Poer, Esq.


Cynthia S. Poer, Esq.
Associate Attorney
Todd A. Brisco & Associates, APC
1900 South State College Boulevard, Suite 505
Anaheim, CA 92806
Telephone: (714) 634-2814
Facsimile: (714) 634-0662
Email: [email protected]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fifth email is Baldwin’s response:

Subject: RE: Offer Regarding Personal Property
From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 12:50 pm
To: [email protected], "Thomas Toomey" <[email protected]>, "Mark Culwell" <[email protected]>, "Mark Wallis" <[email protected]>, "David Messenger" <[email protected]>, "Brisco Associates" <[email protected]>, "Daniel Coor" <[email protected]>, "Matt Akin" <[email protected]>, "Tom Spangler" <[email protected]>, "Villa 8243" <[email protected]>, "Warren Troupe" <[email protected]>, [email protected]

July 27, 2009 - 12:49 p.m.

Re: Your "Offer" Regarding My Personal Property

This is not an offer; it's just another UDR attempt to waive its liability for its unlawful actions. It's pretty amusing though, I'll give you that. My favorite part is "This is a limited time offer." What are you guys, Radio Shack?

The facts are:

1. You illegally evicted me and I was told by Sheriff TJ Young that I had 15 days to collect my property.

2. The moment I was locked out, UDR placed round-the-clock security guards at my apartment for three days to prevent me from collecting my personal property.

3. The third day after my illegal eviction, UDR seized everything I own except that which I was able to remove from my apartment as I was being evicted and videotaped the entire process (witnessed by neighbors).

4. UDR moved my personal property off site and did not inform me of its whereabouts.

5. UDR went through my personal property to extract and destroy any documents I may have left behind that could be legally damaging to them in the pending class-action lawsuit.

6. I requested the whereabouts of my personal property 3 times from Tracy Saffos (copying UDR executives) with no response from her or anyone else for that matter. The fact that you mailed me something is just retarded. I was homeless and you had changed the mailbox lock. Why didn't Tracy Saffos return my emails and let me know that something had been mailed to me instead of just ignoring my attempts for information? Did you just need more time to go through my personal property?

7. I finally called the Leasing Office at Villa Venetia and was told they didn't know where my personal property was and that I needed to contact Todd Brisco's office even though Melissa Hurtado signed the Notice of Right to Reclaim Abandoned Personal Property on June 19, 2009 on the date my property was seized. On the face of that document was the address of the location where my property allegedly was being stored. So, how could it be that no one in the office knew where my stuff was?

8. I called Todd Brisco's office and spoke with Daniel Coor who also told me he didn't know where my personal property was being held and that he needed to call corporate offices to find out. However, the "Notice of Right to Reclaim Abandoned Personal Property" was prepared by the law office and hence, they most certainly had the information.

9. I was then emailed the Notice with a nasty note from Cynthia Poer reprimanding me on my impolite telephone etiquette.

10. My personal property was never abandoned as clearly stated above. I repeatedly asked Ms. Poer to look up the legal definition of "abandoned property" which she failed to do. Rather, she emailed me that UDR had done everything properly and that I would have to pay ~$1500 to get back the property "I had abandoned" which was actually stolen by UDR.

11. Then magically before my eyes the fees UDR claimed I owed went from $1500 to $2200 to reclaim my abandoned property that was actually stolen by UDR.

12. Then the following email arrived (see my comments in red italicized copy):

At the request of our client, and in the interest of putting an end to this matter, UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. has informed us that they are willing to waive the storage fees and costs incurred to date and offer you the opportunity to claim your personal belongings before any more costs are incurred or parties become involved.

"At the interest of putting an end to this matter, " what matter is that? The matter surrounding the fact that you stole my property and illegally kept it from me despite repeated attempts by me to find its whereabouts?

"Offer you the opportunity to claim your personal belongings, " after you have ransacked my personal belongings and held it from me for over a month? Thank you for the "opportunity" to reclaim what has always been mine, never was yours, and it is now obvious to me that you know you broke the law otherwise you would not be making this "offer." There is no big surprise here.

Additional rent charges will be assessed on August 1, 2009. Therefore, you must pick up your property by July 31, 2009. You will still be responsible for providing your own truck(s) to remove your belongings, and for providing your own labor to load your belongings on to your truck(s). UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. will pay all storage facility personnel charges for the staging and inventory verification of your property.

All the above is just outright stupidity on your part. Why should I incur the cost of (1) a moving truck; (2) labor for movers; (3) and travel to Orange to pick up what you should never have taken in the first place? And how dare you threaten me with a deadline and additional fees.

In the interest of protecting all parties from further legal action over the property, the storage facility requires that a management representative from UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. be present to sign off on each item as it is released.

Let me tell you something, this "offer" could never protect you from breaking the law. Why would I need protection from further legal action? I was deprived of my property and was on the streets. What could you possibly pursue against ME legally? The delivery of my personal property back to me by UDR is by far the slightest issue you should be worried about legally. It's great evidence, however, to have gone through this process with UDR so I have all the documentation to back up the procedures you use in the event of an eviction.

UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. in turn will request that you sign off on each item as it is released to you.

Let me make sure I have this straight. I am supposed to be able to identify every single piece of personal property that was in my apartment that you illegally seized by UDR and sign off that I have reclaimed everything? Your "inventory list" is woefully inadequate. If you were forced out of your apartment and only took enough to carry, would YOU be able to verify that you had reclaimed ALL YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY? I had two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, two closets, a filing cabinet, a kitchen, and a dining room full of property.

I would never sign a piece of paper letting you off the hook for ALL MY PERSONAL PROPERTY. Are you nuts?

In order to coordinate management schedules and to book labor time with the storage facility, we request that you provide no less than 72 hours notice of the date on which you wish to pick up your property. Should you choose to decline this offer, all charges will be reinstated effective August 1, 2009. Further, UDR Villa Venetia Apartments, L.P. will proceed forward with advertisement and auction of your property, as is their legal right pursuant to California Civil Code §1988.

More threats. Very stupid on your part.

You will, pursuant to law, still have the option to claim all of your property up until the date of auction upon full payment of all costs incurred. You also have the right, pursuant to law, to attend the auction and bid on the property as it comes up for sale.

Thank God I have another option! To attend an auction where my personal property will be auctioned off because UDR stole it, kept it from me, and then tried to charge me $2200 to get it back. I'm so relieved that I can go and bid on property that is rightfully mine? Again, are you nuts?

Please advise this office should you choose to accept this offer. If no response is received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, July 27, 2009, it will be assumed that you have waived this option.

Do I have to say it? Your offer is rejected. Try again.

Erin Baldwin

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

While committing crimes against Baldwin and all California tenants -- UDR is suing Baldwin for defamation. In order to serve her (since UDR evicted her and had no idea where she was) --- UDR follows Baldwin on vacation. Not only that, but UDR shadows her friends she’s visiting to church, to 12-step meetings, and even while her friend is showing houses to real estate clients. How do we know that? The process server/investigator was reported screaming it from the street in front of the house and throwing papers over the fence. Sick. Really sick. And this is a $500 million publicly traded company? Wow.

Desperate people do desperate things and make no mistake about it – UDR is desperate. They don’t want the truth to come out! That could ruin them and their sanctimonious reputation. More about that later.
Bad Biz Finder August 6, 2009
UDR Bullies PR-Inside to Delete Bad Biz Finder Press Releases to Hide the Truth the Night Befor Its 2Q Earnings Conference Call
UDR Bullies PR-Inside to Delete All 16 Bad Biz Finder Press Releases to Hide the Truth the Night Before Its 2Q Earning Conference Call

On the day before UDR's 2Q Earnings Conference Call, Bad Biz Finder was notified by its press release distribution company, PR-Inside, that David Berstein, UDR's lawyer at Burkhalter, Kessler, Goodman & George LLP, had severely threatened them unless they removed all 16 Bad Biz Finder press releases about UDR from the world wide web no later than the night before the earnings telephone conference call.

So, PR-Inside did what they said. However, Berstein had no court order nor any foundation based in law to request such an action. This was straight up intimidation tactics in violation of Bad Biz Finder's constitutional right to report the truth without fear of prior restraint.

But since when does UDR care about the law, they don't even list the legal name of their properties on tenant leases nor the agent for service of process as required by law to to virtually eliminate any chance of tenant-based litigation.

UDR wanted Bad Biz Finder's information out of the way so they could have unfettered access to lie, cheat and carry out a devious plan to pump up the volume and price of the NYSE:UDR stock. Bad Biz Finder had researched and reported on every single claim and lie that UDR reported for the past 4 months. One of the most glaring manipulations was when UDR CEO, Thomas W. Toomey bought 60, 000 share to manipulate the stock price and volume and to hide operations defect that were dragging the company down.

The 2Q earning conference call went on as scheduled and was a pack of lies from start to finish. But where was the evidence to the contrary? Deleted, no longer visible on the internet, removed by a corrupt law firm in Irvine, California, that believes that bribes and threats are the way to best represent its client's interests.

The links to the press releases are there but if you click on them, you get "error occurred." How convenient for this despicable company, Colorado-based Landlord/REIT, UDR, Inc (NYSE:UDR) that has systemically neglected every property it owns and spent the $200 million note receivable it collected in May on a GPS iPhone system and website bells and whistles instead of addressing the dilapidated condition of its properties making most uninhabitable according to state regulations.

They also go forward without concern to cheat tenants out of money on illegal lease clauses, security deposit withholding, and unlawful fees and fines. We know that UDR is afraid of Bad Biz Finder otherwsie they wouldn't have forced the removal of our news stories. Imagine the damage control they would have to deal with in reimbursing tenants for illegal early terminated fees 2.25 times the base rent, or the fact that they charge 10% per month (not per annum) or late fees, or that they defer liability for injury on their property sites or fail to maintain workers' compensation insurance on their employees?

We will be reposting all of our reports in several different locations, including this fantastic site, so if by chance you missed the news, you can at least read both sides of the story and judge for yourself the truth of the matter.

If you have any comments for David, here is a link to his California State Bar record: http://members.calbar.ca.gov/search/member_detail.aspx?x=204472

Bad Biz Finder
Bad Biz Finder July 30, 2009
NYSE:UDR UDR, Inc. Violates CA Labor Law By Neglecting to Maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance for Its Staff
NYSE:UDR UDR, Inc. Violates CA Labor Law By Neglecting to Maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance for Its Staff

2009-07-30 18:21:43 - NYSE:UDR – UDR, Inc. Violates California Labor Code by Failing to Carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Its California Employees – Heavy Monetary Penalties and Possible Closure of Leasing Offices is Imminent

In accordance with California Labor Code Section 3700-3709.5, “Every employer except the state shall secure the payment of compensation by being insured against liability to pay compensation by one or more insurers duly authorized to write compensation insurance in the State of California."

According to the California Department of Industrial Relations and California’s State Compensation Fund, the Colorado-based Landlord/REIT, UDR, Inc., fails to comply with this regulation for its staff at 48 California properties.

According to the California Department of Industrial Relations and California’s State Compensation Fund, the Colorado-based Landlord/REIT, UDR, Inc., fails to comply with this regulation for its staff at 48 California properties. As an out-of-state employer, it is particularly vital that UDR stay up-to-date and compliant with California laws. However, we have reported on numerous occasions that they do not.

This news

should not come as a big surprise as we have previously reported that UDR, Inc. also fails to comply with California state landlord-tenant law, California Public & Utilities Commission regulations, reporting requirements by the California Secretary of State, Orange County Recorder’s Office guidelines, and Securities & Exchange Commission reporting, advertising, and website rules.

We have contacted the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement Unit to file a claim with the Bureau of Field Enforcement. Established by the California Legislature in 1914, State Compensation Insurance Fund is a self-supporting, non-profit enterprise that provides workers' compensation insurance to California employers at cost with no financial obligation to the public.

California Labor Code section 3700.5.(a) states: “The failure to secure the payment of compensation as required by this article by one who knew, or because of his or her knowledge or experience should be reasonably expected to have known, of the obligation to secure the payment of compensation, is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for up to one year, or by a fine of up to double the amount of premium, as determined by the court, that would otherwise have been due to secure the payment of compensation during the time compensation was not secured, but not less than ten thousand dollars ($10, 000), or by both that imprisonment and fine."

California Labor Code section 3700.5.(b) states: “A second or subsequent conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed one year, by a fine of triple the amount of premium, or by both that imprisonment and fine, as determined by the court, that would otherwise have been due to secure the payment of compensation during the time payment was not secured, but not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50, 000)."

California Labor Code section 3700.5.(c) states: “Upon a first conviction of a person under this section, the person may be charged the costs of investigation at the discretion of the court. Upon a subsequent conviction, the person shall be charged the costs of investigation in addition to any other penalties pursuant to subdivision (b). The costs of investigation shall be paid only after the payment of any benefits that may be owed to injured workers, any reimbursement that may be owed to the director for benefits provided to the injured worker pursuant to Section 3717, and any other penalty assessments that may be owed."

This news will cut hard and deep into the bottom line of this publicly-traded company and will add to the already lagging confidence of investors and analyst predictions of the health and future of UDR, Inc. as a going concern.

Bad Biz Finder
[email protected]

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