About two years ago, I purchased a case for my Oakley sunglasses from a local Oakley dealer.
The first year I used the case almost daily during the summer, the next year only 12 days when I rode my bike, as I'd bought other glasses for daily non-sports use. I saw no problem with the case when I put the case away for the winter last year, but when I got it out two days ago so I could use the glasses during my first bike ride of 2010, I noticed the glue inside had failed where two round tabs are supposed to be glued to the top half of the case. I take extremely good care of my belongings, and the case exterior still looks like new, only when opened can you see any sign of a defect.
I expected it to be a very simple matter to get a replacement, since the Oakley webpage for this item says "100% Satisfaction Guaranteed." Evidently that guarantee has an expiration date, because when I contacted Oakley Customer Service, this is the relevant part of the reply I received:
"How long have you had that item? We do have a 100% satisfaction guaranteed policy but if an item is out of its warranty period there would be a charge for any replacement."
Since when does "100% satisfaction guaranteed" mean "satisfaction guaranteed for 30 days"? There is no disclaimer saying the guarantee will only be honored for a pre-determined length of time. Either they guarantee my satisfaction or they don't, and I AM NOT SATISFIED.
Frankly, I find it shameful and disgraceful that Oakley would deny a claim for an item purported to have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, one made in China that cost them $5 at the most, especially when the sunglasses cost $200! For those few dollars they have alienated a customer, and I doubt I'll ever buy another Oakley product.