I made a bill payment thru OCBC Internet Banking yesterday morning. While I was submitting the transaction, I discover my mistake - suppose to key in $54.74, I keyed in as $5, 474.00. I tried to stop the transaction but was informed that application for payment in progress and I am unable to cancel.
Immediately I called OCBC Bank Customer Hotline but was informed that nothing can be done about it!!! and I have to call the "Receiving Party" to refund to me once receive. When I called the "Receiving Party", I was told that they can't do anything as the money will reach them in 2 to 3 days time and they will then have to investigate the excess payment and refund to me once investigation is confirm and all this will take about 3 weeks from the day payment received!.
I receive a email shortly from OCBC Bank that payment will be process in 2 to 3 working days! If it takes 2 to 3 days to process, why can't they just cancel my transaction? Answer from then was NOTHING CAN BE DONE AFTER SUBMISSION WAS DONE!
Can anyone let me know how can I go about with my complain in the BAD Service from the Customer Service as I tried to speak to a higher authority to get help but was block by the Customer Service Officers. I told them that the longer they delay in getting the Manager to process the cancellation, the chances of stopping the transaction is slimmer. But I still have no luck in speaking to a Manager. I called 4 times but nothing can be done.
If cheques can be stopped, T/T can be stopped, why internet banking cannot?? I am now at their mercy of refund my money back and I hope someone let me know if there is anyway I can get help to speed up the refund.
[email protected]