Occidental Sucks
May 5, 2011
Occidental SUCKS. They are the most unreliable and unprofessional company of any kind that I have ever had to deal with in my life. My vehicle was totaled over a month ago, on April 4th. I actually got a voice mail message from one moronic woman, telling me that it was MY responsibility to remove my Totaled vehicle from the where it was being stored after being towed from the accident scene! She said that I was responsible for the storage costs, release charges, and whatever additional charges were incurred by having it towed to another location while I stored it! Then that I was supposed to store it myself, until their slow asses got around to appraising my vehicle. (My policy clearly states that it is THEIR responsibility to remove and store the car). I've had to deal with FIVE different jackasses at this company so far, and not 1 of them has been of any help resolving this issue. They deemed my car a total loss, and Finally a month later they send me an offer letter. When I try to call anyone back to accept the offer and get things going, not one of them knows how to answer the phone or to return phone calls. I don't even have a rental car (which I paid for this option on my policy), so I have been without a vehicle for over a month. They keep giving me the run around. Now, they think that I am going to be stupid enough to send them my title (signed) before I even receive payment? I've never heard of an insurance company asking this before. Why would I sign my title over to a company that cannot even do what I pay them to do? I've never heard of anyone having to go through 5+ different ignorant reps when dealing with any other insurance company regarding a claim. Why do any consumers or insurance agents do business with this company? I got stuck with them through the insurance agency unfortunately. Needless to say, I am finding a new Insurance Agency and Insurance Company.