Dear sir,
this is inform you that i was the employed of Ochao Laboratry Ltd from may 2003 to jan 2006 and my pf no. was DL/18537/1299. i withdraw my pf from the same account .I rejoin the Ochoa Laboratory Ltd in JUN 2006 to july 2008 and my pf no. was DL/18537/2508. But by mistake company deposited my pf amount in the previous pf no(DL/18537/1299) which was closed only last five month of amount was deposited in my new account no(DL/18537/2508).
I have given all document for transfer my amount from old pf account to new pf account and submitted my withdrawal from twice .Its been ten month still i did not get my pf amount.
Kindly do the needfull.
Thank & Regards
Roofi Rashid