Donald Gattis
May 13, 2011
Amputated Finger
I have been dealing with Insurance Company on a claim no 704383730 lialibity claim against the comfort INn in Westchester, Ohio, I was a invited patron I was staying there on business, I came back to my hotel room, where after opening the door, the door closed to fastly and amputated my finger, this insurance company and the adjuster Melissa Senour has did notu=ing but refuse to pay for my medical bills, and loss of the figer, and pain and suffering I ALSO HAVE TWO BROKEN BONES, THIS INSURANCE COMPANY FROM THE BEGINING DECIDED NOT TO PAY LIABLITY CLAIM, i AM COVERED UNDER THE COMOFRT Inn lialibty policy, this has been the most difficult experience I have had to endure. at this present time, I have sent my second demand letter to them asking for 35, 00-0 to settle this claim. now they have offered to pay 1700 for some of my medical, but are using unfair tactic to keep from paying any insurance claim, so I have decided to turn in comlaont agaqnist them to the Insurance Commission and the beter business bearu, as well as to all on line places to complain, I have also started another complaint with the sentator office there in ohio. all I want is to settle this claim. There are over 300, 000 accident a year with hotel and motel room door, and 15, 000 are amputated fingers, why can thois npt be clear up.My personel suggestion would be this Insurance company is not a good choice for any business, beacuse they are leavingthere insured wide open for a law suite, most insured dont want this kind od mess or the hassell that come with it. I also feel this adjuster Melissa Senou, is also a careless induvial she cares nothing about the patron who was injuried, she is hoping for a bonous from her employer, if she can save the insurance com money that whats it all about, not about her cleint whom has payed for the insurance, or the invited patron whom lost their finger while staying at the Comfort INn.I am awaiting hearinh from the Greene magement as well, and the head of the inmsurance company to settle this matter. If your a business, chose wisley who you want aS A INSURANCE CO. i WANTED ALL THE PUBLIC TO KNOW WHATS IS HAPPING TO ME. dON gATTIS