This is a followup to my previous post. I am posting for two reasons. I never did get paid for the four days I worked there ($280). Secondly, they are continually running the same hiring ad which was just renewed today. What happened to the 10 people left in my group?
They say they only need seven people in the ad. These were smart hardworking folks. We were starting to get some sales the day they fired me for a made up reason that was untrue. I was the second person to be let go. Judging from my experience, my theory is they are getting people to put in time for free to make sales then fire them and rehire more desperate people looking for work. I can't prove it. But let them disprove it.
There's two things I Do know. There was a another group of about 10 people working there on a different campaign. That group was only making about one sale A DAY. That's not anywhere near enough to support that operation. As far as our campaign, they said there was 1.9 million current businesses that were good leads for us to work on. They were looking for 7 people to be team leaders for 80 people. That's BS.
We would get a sheet with 30 leads. Out of the 30 ONE was actually a business that would qualify for the program we were selling. So the 1.9 mil is actually 63, 000 possible. No where near enough to support 80 telemarketers! And!! their branch in Fort Lauderdale is doing the same thing And!! other companies are doing the same thing. We all get the same leads as they are current business customers of the communications company that hired One Source.
Their ad says top earners make $80, 000 to $95, 000. More BS. If you are still so desperate you are considering working for these people at least you have much more information than any of the 12 in my group had. If you need money right away I would strongly advise against applying.