Product was ordered for free trial with shipping and handling charges of $3.95. No disclosure of terms were available on screen at time of order on 11/18/08.
Product arrived 1 week later. In less than 30 days I received additional product. In recent investigation of Extreme Acai Berry web site, it is shown that it's policy is that product is shipped every 30 days unless notified. Company web site shows policy of no refund return after product is shipped. Original order was placed on 11/18/08 (p.m.) and it is explained on the print-out copy of my confirmation that the company provides information that the product will be shipped in 24 hours and to allow 4 - 6 days for shipping and handling. The product was received about Nov. 25, 2008. I have not been in possession of this product for 30 days, however company shipped more of it;s product in advance of the fulfillment date since today is 12/18/2008 and I already received more product to facilitate it's billing to me and to initiate no return for refund after shipping in attempt to lock-in sale of product.