My husband went to one of their special events on January 11th in Orlando. It was called an ALL STAR EVENT and was supposed to have some great speakers coming to Orlando for the first time. It was an all day show.
I warned my husband not to go as it seemed like one of those scam things. He refused to listen to me and indicated that it was free so what did he have to lose. I insisted that these types of companies are mostly show, create a lot of excitement, offer mostly a hyped up motivational rally and then sucker people like my husband to buy on emotion.
When my husband came home he told me very shyly that he bought a course from them. He paid $2, 000 down for a combined 7 day class and mentioring program that would cost around $12, 000 total. I screamed at him and said, "Are you nuts! We can't afford that. You know it."
He was convinced that he could make a lot of money with this program. I didn't beleive it as it turns out we met some people who took the course from OTA and say they lost over $10, 000 using their system.
So I tell my husband to call these people and cancel. And of course they resisted it. They told him to take the class which was starting on Saturday, try a few techniqies sand then see how it works out.
They were cute and tring to keep my husband from cancelling within the 3 day right to cancel period.
Finally my husband calls me and tells me that he wants to stay with the course and try it out. I tell him no F'"in way. Get your refund and cancel that pronto or you will be stuck into a binding contract.
About an hour later he calls me back. He says they don't want to refund his money and had three guys talking to him trying to convince him to stay with the course. So once again I reiterate that he must cancel this thing and he if he didn't have the guts to tell them, then I would.
Finally after all this he tells me that he got a recipt for a refund and that the money he paid would show up on his visa account. So far, it hasn't shown up.
What really bothers me is the fat talking motivational style techniques that they scamsters use and then the audicity to fight giving back a refund.
Stay away.