I am writing this complaint against Ontario Human Rights Commission since they have failed to investigate 1000s of filed discrimination cases as they promised. I have filed the racial discrimination complaint with Ontario Human Rights Commission regarding racial discrimination case and noting has been done so far. I even requested for mediation request and no response from Ontario Human Rights commission.
I believe Ontarios human right is Moving backwards and belong in museum only. Ontario is a safe heaven for human rights violators. Your lack of commitment to investigate the offenders immediately is definitely assisting the perpetrator to escape from the law. I was informed earlier that Ontario human right is lacking resources. If we could not enforce human rights in Canada, what rights do we have to intervene in other country human rights violations?
I received the call from Ontario Human Rights Commission. During the phone conversation, I was informed that Ontario human Rights could not investigate because there are 1000s of applications before me are still waiting due to lack of resources. I still insist that Ontario human rights must do every thing Possible to investigate all the cases that was filed before transitions and justice must be served for all these people. I never imagined Canada does not have fund to investigate Human Right violators and there are at least 1000s human rights violators are roaming free and possibly continue to discriminate because lack of resources. And this is clear evidence that Canadas human rights are moving backwards.
This is the case, which took place directly underneath the camera. I was advised that if I were to file case in the court they might refer back to Ontario human rights and was given same advice by the Ontario Human Rights. To my knowledge, so far nothing has been done to investigate. If you are not doing what you claimed to do, every one is indirectly assisting perpetrates to escape and no justice is served. This case should be taken as example why courts should not refer back to human rights organization for investigation. I begin to wonder my case is not investigated, Is it because of direct political reason? Or are you hoping all complaint filers to disappear?
I am very much shocked, disappointed and disgusted by the way some of the agencies assisting others for cover up and as if these organizations are formed to assist each other for cover up. This is not just one-person issue; this is an issue for entire community and betterment. I am hoping to at lease now Ontario human rights will move forward.
I have lot of questions needs to be answered
�What is a Preventing Ontario Human right to investigate my case?�
�Which agency is now investigation Ontario Human Right violation?�
�As they claim, is all 1000�s complaints or more filed with Ontario Human rights are not investigated?�
�Am I being uniquely treated for my case not being investigated?�
�Is my case not investigated due to political motive?�
�What happened to our Human Right system?
It is very sad see the reality of the Canada that it cannot even investigate its own human right violations.
This is the case that took place directly underneath the camera. That is the only reason that I have filed complain with Ontario Human Rights. If Ontario Human Rights could not investigate case with such evidence, how will it ever investigate evidences that are hard to find. I was clearly misled by Ontario human rights commission by failure to investigate my case thoroughly on time. At least in future, I would like to see some one has the power to investigate the case immediately. If there is no such organization, one must be created to protect future cases like this. Especially courts or any agency must stop refereeing back Ontario Human right organization such as this to investigate the cases.
I strongly urge to stop misleading public we do that and we do this and at the end usually noting has been done to other than milking the public tax dollar on the allocated funds. There is no shortage of advertisement we do that we do this and selected individual press releases. But in reality, how many of the discriminated cases are investigated? My case is a perfect example and nothing is done ever since I have filed the complain other than wasting my resources and time. This incident has opened my opened my eyes and this should be a warning sign for every immigrant in Canada and their rights. If Ontario Human Rights continue not to investigate all these 1000s of applicants, I urge all these applicants to file class action law suite against them and associated individuals who prevented from fair investigation as they promised.