scammed again
May 2, 2009
Bait & Switch
BEWARE of these scammers!
They advertise a low price on say a digital camera for $109. After you make the purchase, they send you an email to "confirm your order". When you call the 1 800 number, they offer you a battery or memory card and the price gets highly inflated.
They are out and out crooks!! be VERY careful. They mumble the price and it's clear they are attempting to get you to agree to someting you don't understand or are even aware of.
They bill you under MEGA WHOLESALE, My $109 camera was billed at $184. If you attempt to get a return authorization, they charge you 20% restocking.
They are clever crooks!
Dale R
December 5, 2008
False and Misleading Advertising
Do your homework when ordering anything online and the best price dose not always tell the story.
Dec 1, 2008: I searched for a Digital Camera as a gift, Fuji S1000fd, I found that OTD had the best the price offered and beat all competition by at least $70.00 so I submitted my order.
Dec 2, 3, 4 2008: After many attempts to contact, via phone, and on hold for 20+ mins, getting transfered, then hung up on I emailed customer service, which was a joke, about just wanting to inquire about my purchase. I had been logging onto their site going to My Account and seeing atht the caption kept stating NEW ORDER, I checked my CC Statement 2-3 times per day online and had never been billed and I thought that they were so slammed that it may take 72 hrs before I had confirmation.
Dec 4, 2008 evening, recv'd an email from them asking me to confirm my order, which I thought they did this to help prevent fraud or unauthorized use mf my Credit Card(CC), wrong it was to UPSALE me, Bait and Switch, the rep, started out by thanking me and that they would complete the transaction. The rep went into saying "you did not purchase any batteries, which is odd all camera's will come with batteries, then wanted to sell me a warranty and mem card. Then is were I knew I was getting scammed, All Camera's come with a Limited Warranty, and a Memory Card if it is a digital. I said no to all even after he dropped the price of the for the package, and the tome of his voice changed to very unexcited about my purchase
Dec 5, 2008 I logged onto MY ACCOUNT at OnTime Digital and it now states ITEM ON BACKORDER, if I wish to cancel click on the Backorder Item, well after reading all blogs here and on the web, my fingers could not go fast enough to their site and CLICKED CANCEL MY ORDER