Several days ago after buying a product called Bowl Blaster from KABOOM. Being a new product. I read the directions, shook the bottle, removed the lid and poured the powder in the lid. A dust came up in the air from the powder and before I could get it to the toliet. The dust was getting into my throat and lungs. I poured the powder in the toliet and more dust was rising. I knew at once this was not good. I hurried and flushed the toliet to get rid of the powder . Turned on the fan and shut the door. The dust that got in my throat was making me cough. I went and rinsed my mouth out. I started feeling hoarse. It only made good sence, I had better call the company to see if there was some chemical in this product that was causing this. I got a recording telling me the hours. They were closed!
Anyway my voice has not been right since. Today it even seems worse. I decided to call the company again. I pressed #3 and a customer service guy said to call poision control.
He gave me a list of the ingredients inside the Bowl Blaster. I called the poision control. The lady I spoke to said I should call my Doctor. I called back the customer service. A lady named Stephenie that I repeated all this to. I was just saying, if I have to go to the Doctor over this. I feel like this company should pay. I have insurance. The point being. This dust from their product was the cause of my throat being like it is. She put me on hold . When she came back. She said it was my own fault! That the bottle clearly states, to not breathe with the lid off? I have not read this any where on the bottle. She said "We are not going to mail you a check." I did not mention a check to her. I haven'tt gone to the Doctor yet. I don, t know what the amount will be? She was the most rude person. I ask to speak to the owner or a supervisor. She said no! That she would note the complaint and hung up on me! Not once asking if I was ok!
I do have a Doctor appointment for tomorrow morning. This hoarseness is not clearing up yet?
Can you please assist me with this matter? I think this product should be checked into before someone could have a worse outcome from using Bowl Blaster than myself.
There is no warning on the bottle that dust will come up in the air and that breathing it will cause this. I left the room at once as this dust was causing me to hack. I did the directions for use without a brush.( Touch up and freshing )is what the bottle reads.
Thank You for any information you might have on this product. I have plans to return Bowl Blaster back to Marsh where I bought it. I will not remove the lid and take a chance on the dust fumes hurting my throat and vocal cords I guess. Just for peace of mind I will go to the Doctor. I would like to get my own voice back again.