My name is Marion and i am sick of being the under dogs. My daughter who is on family credit she goes out to work has no benefits. She got herself a secondhand pc then she pick up a orange disk to go dile up she tryed to download it and got as far as her bank details then nothing so she tryed again the same got to her bank details and nothing so she gave it up and went with AOL this was in Aug on the 26Th Sept orange took two lots of £14.99 from her account which this occurred a bank charge of £39 00 as the money was for something else
she phoned orange to ask why the man she spoke to said he was sorry and she had not used the server and she would be reimbursed on or around 15Th Oct
my daughter paid her bank charge and waited
no money was put in her account so she phoned again all at her expense
only to be told they did not know why this had not been paid in but it would be in on the 21st Oct but because 21st was a sat it maybe 23Th OK my daughter said and waited today nothing so she phoned orange she had it on load speaker so she could record what was said the 1st phone call was not recorded but i was in the room she did get upset and shouted and cryed this is a lot of money to her it may seam a Patience to you but it is a big deal to my daughter then she phoned treading standards they told her to send recorded letter she phone back to ask for address which was in no way forth coming and she was given a p/o box address
at this point she was asked why and treading standings can do nothing you can ask for all the recorded calls today where do we go have we wasted our time and money on phone calls and does my daugther get £29.98 back that she paid for nothing
i have told orange i have email the mirror the sun the star and the news of the would and also take a break i am not in it for money all i want is for orange to pay my daughter back and pay her bank charge and the phone calls but i know they will not and why because she is the under dog works part time and claims family taxes
she as rights as much as we have how work full time and pay our tax
she is English was born here as was all my family she pays her tax if she works over time can someone help her please?