Pay: They pay you whatever they can get away with. They like to hire fresh collage graduates and pay them so low it's embarrassing, but employee does not know any better.
Respect: None! The President of the company harasses employees behind their back and sometimes to their faces. He hires his friends to management jobs who do the same. Fellow co-works sexually harass each other all day and HR does very little. No EEOC training. NONE!
Benefits: The absolute minimum that allow the company to say they have good benefits. Every year the Benefits increase by at least a few dollars. They always blame it on the employees.
Job security: None! There are no job descriptions in HR so at any given moment the President is liable to walk up and drastically change your job, for the worse, and pay to match. Do it or you're fired. They could move you from sales to shipping on a whim. No job security.
Work/Life Balance: Very poor. Some employees must work up to 30 hours of overtime or more a week otherwise you're not doing you're job. Salaried employees are paid based on 37.5 hours a week and expected to work much more... some of them for $25, 000.
Career Potential/Growth: None. Each department is based on having as few people as possible to do the job. You may be moved in a lateral manner but not up. Some departments have only 1 person. Location: Not to bad, just off a major interstate.
Co-worker Competence: They hire anyone willing to do the job even without any experience or'll learn on the job! Works great for factory work (hammer this then put it here and repeat), but sales management? Not too well.
Work Environment: Normal harassment and sexual harassment are rampant and almost nothing is done. The company has been around 6 years and then only thing done about swearing... a single e-mail only to the sales department in the last few weeks. On a daily basis loud swears can be hard all over the company and are sent through e-mails. Sales managers get away with harassment that should get the company sued and the employee immediately fired. Lucky they're still in business. The sales manager plays favorites with the sales department. Certain sales people he tells 'no' about everything and certain people tell him what to do on a daily basis. Other managers also play favorites. Managers get their friends and family hired and play favorites with them at the expense of other employees. Certain managers are supervising their own family members and obviously favorites are played. Promotions are handed out to the first person who the manager sees after the position becomes available. I guess this is sort of, but not completely representative of the trade show industry. Stay from the industry. This company is an EXTREMELY blu ecollar office environment. If you're familiar with the beer drinking chain smoking factory workers TV seems to like to portray? They all work in the offices at Orbus Inc.