August 20th, 2008 I made a payment online from Orchard Bank. My bill was due September 7th, on a Sunday. I am on Soc.Sec. . I figured it had come out of my account. On Sept. 11th I get a notice from my credit union saying I have two insufficient funds for Orchard Bank. I lacked $ 3.00 in my account! They had also, increased their yearly fee from $39.99 to $59.99 on my account making me over the limit!
And they did not take out my payment that I paid 20 days early until Sept 9th! Due Sept 7th. Paid August 20th from their site. So, two fees from my bank $50, one over the limit $35, two insufficient funds $29 each=$58, a late payment of $39 I call them and they tell me well, we were doing a " change over on our computers for a week from August 19 to whenever. I said, well I bet about a 50 million people got all those late fees then didn't they? You sure did make a bundle on that. I had to pay them $179 to get my balance under the over-limited and they took off a few of the late charges. But the following my month my interest rate went from 14.99% to 29.99%. I have been calling them ever since and they are trying to work on reducing my interest rate the foreigner says...but they won't unless I continue to use my card! They admit it was their fault and I had never been late before but they were sorry, my account is being gone over with whomever is in charge of my request. Now, this HSBC got a bail out. And they have all foreigners working for them
My payment has doubled due to the interest that has doubled. And, did you know that all money transactions go through the Federal Banks and they are closed on weekends, and yet this company has their payments due on Sundays. My payment was due on Sept 7th, paid on August 20th from their site, they did not submit it until a Tuesday on Sept. 9th. And I"m tellin yah...this is one company I will never deal with again and I reccommend no one else do either. They are based in Las Vegas and I swear they are all crooks. As an American I think we should all protest the debt interests any of the credit card companies are paying us especially if they are hiring foreigners and taking our jobs away from us. No bank should expect to charge us 30% interest...I hope none of us ever borrow money again from any of these banks...if we don't have the cash then lets so without and put these crooks out of business.